Terre (Planete)
La Terre
La Grande Barrière de Corail vue de l'espace. Le plus grand système de récifs coralliens au monde composé de plus de 2 900 récifs individuels et de 900 îles individuelles. L'eau dans cette zone sera trop profonde pour que cela continue d'exister à cet endroit précis d'ici la fin du millénaire[1]



Orbit - Un voyage autour de la Terre en temps réel (UHD) (Youtube external link)
- Il y a 646 milliards d'années, les gaz de la Terre se sont réunis par un processus de densification.
- Il y a 46 milliards d'années, le corps solide de la Terre a commencé à se former.
- Il y a 5 milliards d'années, la Terre est devenue solide et la première vie primitive a commencé.
- Le processus de développement de l'humain de la Terre pure peut être classé en 3 phases principales lorsqu'il s'agit d'un humain physiquement reconnaissable.
- 8.5-6 millions d'années.
- 4.8-4.5 millions d'années.
- Il y a 4.5 millions d'années, l'homme a développé sa raison et sa compréhension
- Il y a 3.9-1.5 million years ago.
- Il y a 500,000 ans, les premiers outils ont été inventés.
- Les races humaines sur Terre sont un mélange d'espèces d'origine à la fois indigène et extraterrestre.
- La théorie de l'évolution de Darwin était une tromperie. [4] [4]
- Le singe descend en fait du primate humain.[5]
- Neanderthal
- Le système stellaire Sol contient la planète Terre.
- surpopulation
Sans histoire
Les gens qui n'ont rien et qui n'ont jamais rien eu.
Arrivée précoce des humains en Grande-Bretagne (externe)
La situation de la Terre
La situation de la Terre est menaçante, et en effet sous de nombreux aspects différents : concernant la surpopulation, les affaires militaires et l'industrie de l'armement, la contamination du monde entier par des poisons de toutes sortes et la radioactivité, le crime, la politique de puissance, la toxicomanie, les religions irrationnelles , mauvaise gestion planétaire dans tous les domaines, exploitation financière, etc., abus de produits chimiques et de poisons, terrorisme, haine raciale, trafic d'êtres humains, prostitution, anarchisme, évocation irrationnelle des morts, des esprits et des démons, actes de guerre et révolutions, etc. ., etc. Que peut-on faire contre cela ? D'abord et avant tout, une réduction immédiate de la population humaine terrestre, par une forme humaine d'arrêt mondial des naissances, avec un suivi ultérieur de contrôle permanent des naissances.
Si aucun arrêt des naissances et aucun contrôle des naissances n'est initié pour maintenir le nombre d'êtres humains sur Terre dans des limites supportables (529 millions serait le nombre normal d'habitants sur Terre), les problèmes augmenteront à l'infini, et une chose terrible entraînera la suivant parce que la population humaine croît continuellement et de même les problèmes deviennent insolubles. En même temps, l'élimination des divers dommages, selon leur cause et leur effet, est d'une nécessité irrévocable et d'une exigence des plus urgentes. Les Plejaren eux- mêmes ont suggéré que les mesures importantes suivantes soient prises pour mettre fin à la destruction de la Terre :
- Comme mentionné, pendant plusieurs années, il doit y avoir un arrêt absolu des naissances suivi d'un contrôle permanent des naissances.
- Arrêt immédiat de TOUTE exploitation de la terre, y compris l'exploitation des forêts et la dévastation de paysages entiers, etc., jusqu'à ce qu'un niveau supportable et acceptable pour la terre soit atteint.
- Arrêt de tous les essais nucléaires.
- Arrêt de la production pour l'abus de certains stupéfiants, d'autres drogues et de produits chimiques et poisons nocifs pour la nature et la vie et pour tout usage abusif.
- Destruction de toutes les centrales nucléaires existantes.
- Arrêt de la mauvaise gestion de toute nature.
- De plus, l'abolition des fausses politiques et des religions irrationnelles dans les formes actuelles inadéquates, qui sont contre la nature et la Création.
- Formation d'un gouvernement d'unité mondiale sous une forme démocratique d'unité.
- Dissolution de tous les blocs militaires dirigés par la guerre et de tous les services secrets politiques et militaires.
- Dissolution et prévention de toutes les activités de guerre et des révolutions, etc.
- Abolition de la torture et de la peine capitale et de toutes les autres méchancetés et défauts de toutes sortes qui pèsent sur la vie et sur la Terre.
- Formation d'une troupe d'ordre et de sécurité mondiale, reliant et protégeant les peuples, composée de membres de tous les peuples et races existants sur Terre.
- La diffusion mondiale des lois et des recommandations de la Création et l'apprentissage et le suivi du mode de vie qui en résulte, qui est conforme à la Création et donc aussi humain et digne d'être humain.
- Avancement mondial et réalisation de l'indemnisation de tous les dommages causés à la terre, aux forêts, aux prairies, à l'eau, à l'atmosphère, aux plantes, aux êtres humains, aux animaux et autres créatures et aux micro-organismes.[6]
Étapes efficaces
Des mesures totalement nouvelles et efficaces doivent enfin être prises dans tous les domaines de l'assistance à l'homme, à la faune, à la flore, à la nature et à la planète.
D'une part, les maux et les problèmes qui existent actuellement doivent être combattus et éliminés avec succès, afin que leurs origines ne puissent plus jamais se propager.
Les remèdes à l'ancienne pour combattre le mal et les dommages, pour apaiser la misère, etc. sont soit dépassés, soit complètement insensés et inefficaces. Ils doivent être remplacés par des méthodes et des actions capables de combattre les grands maux, la misère et la destruction et capables de maîtriser toutes les situations.
Les organisations et les politiciens ne découvrent et ne formulent que des solutions partielles inefficaces, qui sont minimes pour l'aide et l'élimination de ces conditions. Cela correspond à très peu en référence à l'efficacité. On peut prouver que 40 000 enfants meurent de faim chaque jour sur terre, sans compter les cas inconnus des victimes directes de la faim qui comptent au moins 20 000 à 40 000 autres victimes.
Sur la liste des espèces menacées d'animaux vivant à l'état sauvage, plus de 50 000 espèces sont répertoriées, dont 300 espèces disparaissent chaque année ou meurent, par la faute de l'homme.
Les phoques ne peuvent pas être sauvés de l'abattage de masse par les actions puériles consistant à les asperger de peinture, mais uniquement et seuls par des mesures efficaces et une réflexion et des actions appropriées.
Les problèmes d'énergie et de faim ne peuvent être résolus avec la construction de nouvelles centrales énergétiques, ou en transportant de la nourriture vers les zones de famine. Avec l'augmentation constante de la population, ces maux ne peuvent jamais être éliminés tant que la production insensée de descendants n'est pas arrêtée. Toute nouvelle source d'énergie établie s'arrêtera dès que la population aura augmenté géométriquement à nouveau et aura besoin d'énergie supplémentaire. Ceci est similaire à l'approvisionnement alimentaire nécessaire pour les affamés. Plus il y a de nourriture produite, plus elle est nécessaire et utilisée par d'innombrables descendants, qui ne peuvent pas être nourris de cette façon. Par conséquent, la seule possibilité d'éliminer ces maux réside dans une application pluriannuelle du contrôle des naissances à travers le monde, calculé en fonction du sol fertile et du nombre d'habitants dans un état particulier.[7]
Protection des eaux
L'extinction de nos eaux, rivières, ruisseaux, lacs et océans, a pris une dimension alarmante. En raison de l'utilisation anormale d'engrais artificiels et d'autres produits chimiques, nos eaux sont privées d'oxygène, ce qui entraîne l'extinction rapide des animaux aquatiques et le développement de boue. Ces évolutions ne sont pas les seules dangereuses et potentiellement mortelles. Tout aussi dangereux et potentiellement mortel est le réchauffement non naturel des eaux par les centrales nucléaires.
Nos plus grandes eaux, les océans, sont non seulement exploitées de manière irresponsable, mais dans peu de temps, elles seront également complètement contaminées par le pétrole, par des produits chimiques, par des déchets radioactifs, etc., qui sont déversés de manière irresponsable et irréfléchie dans les océans, et là , au fond des océans, ils font leur œuvre malveillante et destructrice !
Des formes d'énergie respectueuses de l'environnement et de nouvelles méthodes d'obtention de matières premières.
Les scientifiques devraient être motivés à concentrer leurs efforts sur la recherche de formes d'énergie respectueuses de l'environnement et respectueuses de la nature, comme l'énergie solaire et l'énergie éolienne, etc., au lieu de se concentrer sur la recherche sur les armes et les matériaux de guerre. Toutes les nouvelles sources d'énergie et de matières premières doivent "rendre justice à la nature et être respectueuses de l'environnement et de toutes les formes de vie". Ils ne doivent jamais être utilisés pour désavantager la Terre, ni utilisés, même au minimum, contre la nature et les formes de vie sur Terre.
Pour que les efforts et la recherche d'énergie et de matières premières respectueuses de l'environnement soient couronnés de succès, un plan de contrôle des naissances immédiat et contrôlé doit être activé à travers le monde. L'augmentation constante de la population continue de demander de plus en plus d'énergie.[8]
see Surpopulation
La vérité [en perspective] est que la Terre est une planete, merveilleuse , mais elle n'a que la capacité de soutenir et de nourrir de toutes les manières et en abondance 529 millions de personnes.[9][10][11][12]
- La recommandation d'une famille n'ayant pas plus de 3 enfants est basée sur les terres arables disponibles sur la planète. Basé sur la limite de 529 millions, ce qui a pour effet que l'humanité peut alors vivre dans un surplus de nourriture, etc. [13]
- La limite de 3 enfants assurerait la stabilité de la population puisqu'il y a des couples qui ont volontairement moins, voire pas d'enfants.[14]
- Ce maximum de 3 enfants par mariage/couple existe déjà dans une population humaine et cette moyenne est déjà dans la fourchette normale sans surpopulation.[15]
- Avoir moins de 3 enfants, voire aucun, est bon pour la planète et conseillé, du moins tant que la population dépasse les 529 millions ou jusqu'à la limite de 1 milliard.[16]
- La bonne façon est l'action volontaire par l'auto-éducation, en reconnaissant et en sachant qu'il y a un problème et en choisissant volontairement de ne pas avoir d'enfants ou en choisissant de limiter le nombre de descendants que l'on met au monde par choix individuel et préférence personnelle, mais seulement si l'individu sait pourquoi et a fait ce choix et d'utiliser un contraceptif pour éviter une grossesse.[citation requise]
- La mauvaise façon, en revanche, est de tuer, de tuer en masse ou de déclencher une guerre, d'espérer une épidémie, d'espérer des catastrophes naturelles, de s'appuyer sur le suicide volontaire, de s'appuyer sur la non-éducation pour induire la sélection naturelle, de dépendre d'une dépréciation des conditions environnementales localisées pour espérer faire prendre conscience qu'il ne convient pas à un enfant après avoir appris à la dure, s'appuyer sur les forces de la capacité de rétention économique pour éventuellement limiter le choix ou pour permettre à tout de devenir si incontrôlable finalement qu'une forte colère sauvage désastreuse chacun pour soi révolution devient initié qui est alors imparable à ce stade.
- Comment créer la paix et l'harmonie sur terre
- La procédure pour créer la paix et l'harmonie sur terre
- Comment se diriger vers les étoiles en tant que civilisation mature et responsable
- UFO Facts: Faits sur les ovnis : Surpopulation visuelle (externe) – Images satellite avant et après avec explications.
- UFO Facts: Once again – Overpopulation (External) – Autres faits explicatifs, statistiques, commentaires et images satellite avant et après.
- UFO Facts: Faits sur les ovnis : chiffres de la population de Plejaren et chiffres de la population humaine de la Terre (externe) – Analyse comparative d'extraits intéressants de faits sélectionnés.
Importation de nourriture
Indépendance vis-à-vis de l'importation de denrées alimentaires en provenance de pays étrangers
Avant tout, les produits locaux seront utilisés. Nos agriculteurs ne devraient pas continuer à détruire une grande partie de leur récolte pour obtenir des subventions. De telles pratiques témoignent d'un manque de scrupules absolu. En Suisse, l'agriculteur peut compter sur un revenu moyen de 50 000 francs, ce qui devrait vraiment suffire même sans subvention.
Les agriculteurs qui détruisent la totalité de leur récolte ou seulement une petite partie de celle-ci, doivent être livrés aux autorités compétentes à partir de ce moment.
Les aliments en provenance de pays étrangers doivent et peuvent être importés uniquement lorsque cela n'est pas possible autrement, lorsque cet aliment particulier ne peut pas être cultivé localement pour une raison quelconque (conditions climatiques) ou lorsqu'il n'y a pas assez de nourriture disponible.
L'indépendance vis-à-vis des pays étrangers sur le marché alimentaire peut également être fortement influencée par le citoyen individuel qui possède une parcelle de terre qu'il cultive et où il peut cultiver sa propre nourriture.
L'utilisation d'aliments de votre propre pays et l'arrêt de l'importation.
Plutôt que d'utiliser des fruits exotiques, des légumes et des aliments importés, nous devons augmenter l'utilisation de nos propres produits, qui se prêtent souvent aux plats les plus savoureux et les plus sains. Par l'utilisation privilégiée des produits locaux, nous pouvons également empêcher les agriculteurs de détruire leurs récoltes parce qu'ils n'ont pas de marché approprié pour leurs produits. [17] [17]
Réduction des voyages en avion
L'utilisation d'avions de grande taille doit être arrêtée immédiatement. La contamination et la charge de l'atmosphère par ces avions ne peuvent en aucun cas être justifiées. Pendant le vol d'un avion de 310 sièges, qui n'est généralement occupé qu'en partie, des gaz d'échappement par heure sont créés, équivalant aux gaz d'échappement de 800 automobiles VolksWagon. Ces chiffres d'échappement en vol ne tiennent même pas compte des fumées créées lors du décollage et de l'atterrissage.
Cela est également vrai pour l'accélération des fusées, sauf qu'elles émettent des quantités encore plus importantes de gaz d'échappement, ce qui pèse encore plus lourd sur l'environnement. (Consommation moyenne de carburant par une fusée lunaire = 29 tonnes par seconde).[18]
Limitation des transports privés
Là où le transport privé n'est pas absolument nécessaire pour vivre et travailler, il doit être limité et, dans la mesure du possible, interdit à tous. Au lieu de cela, un moyen de transport public doit être développé, amélioré et utilisé pour être sans danger pour l'environnement. La contamination de l'atmosphère doit être évitée à tout prix, comme l'interdiction de conduire le dimanche, ainsi que l'interdiction des voyages d'agrément et des beuveries etc.[19]
Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte - Contact Report 582 - Extrait
Ptaah: .Chaque empire et royaume, ainsi que chaque république - même s'ils se disent démocratiques - ne correspondent à rien de plus que des dictatures, car dans celles-ci, seuls ceux qui ont le pouvoir, qui sont eux-mêmes capables de prendre des décisions, l'emportent avec Gewalt et coercition. De plus, je dois dire - comme vous l'avez déjà mentionné de temps à autre - que même la Suisse n'est pas une véritable démocratie directe, car tant que le peuple, seul et exclusivement, ne décide pas à tous égards, c'est-à-dire qu'il a le premier et le dernier mot, comme vous l'aviez dit une fois, mais plutôt que seul le gouvernement décide de certaines choses, ainsi que diverses parties ont des points de vue différents et représentent des intérêts variés dans une affaire sans ambiguïté, tant qu'on ne peut pas en parler comme un lien direct démocratie, mais plutôt une démocratie partielle. Cela dit, ce que je déclare, je ne le ferai pas, Plejaren entend par démocratie directe et comment, dans ce sens, nous la gérons. [20]
Par exemple
[[1]] - Contact Report 538 - L'Union européenne est une organisation d'hostilité économique et d'hostilité populaire et n'est dirigée que par les puissants de l'État, c'est-à-dire les gouverneurs des États membres. Ce n'est rien de plus et rien de moins qu'une dictature moderne réprimant le peuple et ses droits sans aucune loi, ordonnance et directive démocratiques, etc.[21]
Future Guerre civil Americaine - Contact Report 215 Lignes 286 - 287
Politique - suppression permanente nécessaire sous sa forme actuelle
Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte - Contact Report 616 - Extrait
Ptaah: ... et dire en ce qui concerne la puissance de l'État, c'est que cela n'appartient pas aux mains d'un individu obsédé par la puissance ou de plusieurs dirigeants obsédés par la puissance, mais plutôt entre les mains de personnes majoritairement démocratiques et donc aussi des gens pacifiques et libres d'esprit. Et le fait est que, depuis qu'il existe sur la Terre des politiques et des religions, ainsi que des sectes, tant religieuses que d'autres sortes, cela a conduit depuis à des Ausartungen politiques, religieux et sectaires[22] meurtres, guerres et terrorisme, et notamment en raison du fanatisme et de la radicalisation des croyants politiques, religieux et sectaires. Ainsi, il s'applique ici, que, tant que de mauvaises formes politiques, des religions et des sectes de toutes sortes existent encore sur la terre, à partir de là, des guerres, du terrorisme ainsi que des meurtres, des destructions et de nombreux Ausartungen misanthropes émergeront en relation avec les modes humains malveillants. de comportement. [23]
Stop à l'empoisonnement de l'atmosphère
La soi-disant mort des arbres et des forêts a fait la une des journaux à travers le monde est due à une abondance de dioxyde de soufre dans l'air, ainsi qu'aux pluies acides qui en tombent. Les soi-disant «pluies acides» ont des effets catastrophiques sur les conifères et les arbres à feuilles caduques, ainsi que sur de nombreux autres types de vie qui ne peuvent être restaurés par aucun moyen. [24] [24]
More purposeful protectorates must be established, not only for endangered animals, but also for endangered plants of all kinds. Such protectorates, must be divided over the entire planet and nature must be left entirely to it’s own devises.[25]
Contamination with oil and the burning of rubber
The environment must be free of burdens which are created by the transportation of oil by unsuitable means, and the burning of Rubber. wherever possible. Transportation of oil must take place as safely as possible, until it has been replaced by another energy form which is safe for the environment. It is irresponsible and thoughtless to transport oil in ships, that are not suited or safe for such a purpose
Rubber and other materials are a heavy burden on the environment and must not be burned; instead they must be regenerated by logical means and returned for production and use.[26]
Exploitation of raw materials
Raw materials such as crude oil, rocks, metals, chemicals etc. are valuable and indispensable components of our Earth, and take approximately two million years to develop. They must not be exploited under any circumstances, handled senselessly or without thought by profit greedy and power seeking elements. All raw materials are to be replaced by other suitable materials such as (e.g.) silicates etc. as quickly as possible.[27]
Not all earthquakes should be blamed on humankind and its applied technology; many are of purely natural origin and are connected with the natural developmental cycles of Earth, even though the human being must be blamed for triggering some devastating earthquakes, for instance through the construction of artificial lakes, overexploitation of oil and gas, as well as through the construction of gigantic cities.[28]
Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Extreme Weather
Tornadoes and hurricanes are closely connected to Climate Changes often associated with the human being's mismanagement against nature, e.g., the cutting down of entire forests, the construction of river barrages and artificial lakes, the destruction of cultivated land through harmful chemicals and poisons, the overfertilisation and clearing and devastation of land, etc., Atom-bomb tests, the activities and their consequences of nuclear power plants, the burning of fossil energy sources, and the utilisation of modern chemicals and poisons.[29]
Ozone, Ozone Layer and Ozone Holes
The destruction of the ozone layer is caused by the same human carelessness, sloppy work and bungling, mainly through the usage of fluorinated hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, nuclear radiations, and through released exhaust gases etc., from the explosive [combustion] engines (Further reading: Ozone). The growing destruction of the ozone layer, and the resulting dangers, can only be resolved through a rapid global agreement to prohibit the production, use and freeing of all substances, destroying the ozone layer.[30]
Nuclear threat
The nuclear threat is a war-technical insanity of the human beings of Earth and in every sense against the Creation and nature. Moreover, it is the monstrosity of schizophrenic, insane, war-game addicted fools and psychopaths without a trace of responsibility. The military, as well as the peaceful use of nuclear energy, have endless dangers inherent in themselves which the human beings of Earth will not be able to control for a long time to come. Furthermore, radioactive radiations are released through the radioactive decay which are still completely unknown to the earthly scientists of nuclear physics and which they cannot even dream of.[31]
Procedures/Actions against atomic experiments
Atomic experiments must not only be reduced through pacts between countries, but they must be urgently and absolutely forbidden. This ban must be enforced for all atomic experiments, including those that apparently no longer release any radioactivity, for medical life-preserving purposes.[32]
Radioactive waste products
Radioactive waste products and chemical waste, which can only be recycled with great difficulty (such as Cadmium), have to be found and destroyed in such a way that they can no longer become dangerous to the environment, lifeforms or to nature. Radioactive waste does not belong in a bunker nor in the oceans; it may not be buried, deposited or otherwise stored or isolated. An elimination process must be created for radioactive waste, which can not harm the environment, nor human beings.[33]
AIDS - exclusively earthbound disease
The origin of the rampantly spreading disease AIDS lies in Uganda, Africa, from where the disease had spread to Haiti before finding its way to the whole world through sodomistically[34] [bestiality][35] perverted homosexuals. AIDS came about through sodomistical actions with long-tailed monkeys, which naturally carry the AIDS virus in themselves without being detrimental to them. The inception and transmission occurred through acts of sodomy and later also through sodomistic-homosexual activities. The Plejaren have explained that a cure for the disease may only be found by medical researchers on Earth when it is almost too late, as the disease will have spread worldwide by then. They themselves have no medication for this exclusively earthbound disease.[36]
Why are the Plejaren interested in the destiny of Earth
The Plejaren are interested in the destiny of Earth because they feel responsible for the past misdeeds, irrational teachings and irrational religions, misguidance and other badnesses which their Lyranian/lyranischen and Vegan/weganischen ancestors presented and inflicted to the earth-born inhabitants in the early days of the development of the human being of Earth. Already in those early days, the human beings of Earth joyfully accepted the irrational teachings of the extraterrestrials and perfected them licentiously and self-willingly, in their absolute own responsibility up to the point of ausartung,[37] as this ausartung is in danger to grow out of control in all kinds of fields. Therefore, the blame cannot be pushed solely onto the extraterrestrials, but must mostly and explicitly be searched for in the complete willingness of the human beings of Earth, because they invented and over-fulfilled the measure of all terrible things, whereas the extraterrestrials only brought the bad things of the delusional leading. Nonetheless, the Plejaren feel responsible for the wrongdoing of their very early ancestors, as well as for the incurring ausartungen[38] of the human being of Earth who has opened the floodgates to all this insanity through his/her conscienceless willingness and imperiousness, and until now has been wallowing in terrestrial delightfulness and pleasures ever since.[39]
Religion as the human being of Earth knows and practises it, in form of his/her worship of god, worship of saints, and belief in gods, is an abomination to the Plejaren. They consider this form of religion something that is at all times unprovable and contradicts all true and logical foundations of the creational laws and recommendations and the rationality and the intellect and is built up on a blind belief based on cult activities that are strange to the Creation, as well as irrational teachings, lies and falsifications. Religion in the sense and understanding of the human being of Earth is completely against, strange to and breaking the true and primal Creation-teaching and manifests a deprivation of the consciousness-based freedom of the human being. So religion also represents a brutal, felonious and exploitative enslavement of the human consciousness, up to the complete dependence, bondage and lack of will, all the way to the uncontrollable fanaticism and insanity, pathological demonic obsession and complete irrational mental dumbing down.[40]
- UFO Facts: Religions (External) – interesting selected excerpts.
What is this legend that 3 million years ago 144,000 Plejaren souls incarnated on Earth to further the development of this planet
This legend has no truth in it whatsoever. The first extraterrestrials who came to Earth were not Plejaren but human beings from worlds which exist in another dimension in the area of the Lyra and Vega systems. The first Lyranians/Lyraner, together with the Vegans/Weganer, came to Earth for the first time 22 million years ago. Their stay here was very brief and they took off to other star forms and planets, and their further history remains mostly in the dark, although shock troops came to visit Earth every now and then.
Approximately 389,000 years ago, several million Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer again took off from their home worlds, got into the space-time configuration of our dimension, and came to Earth where they mixed with the earthly human life forms, created descendants in a normal kind and wise as well as through genetic manipulations by genetic engineers. Through the normal procreation, lyranian-earthly mixed descendants came into being, whereas through the genetic manipulation human-animals and animal-humans as well as giants, titans and all sorts of other creatures were created. Over the hundreds and thousands of years these creatures were displaced again or died out because they were not procreative or because the conditions of life were deadly for them.
These many millions of Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer, who had left their home worlds, were headed by 144,207 leader personalities and sub-leaders, etc., who ruled over their followers in a rather hierarchic form, and this might they also transferred onto the human beings of Earth, with whom they had come together to create descendants of various kinds. These 144,207 leader and sub-leader personalities were actually ringleaders who were then decisively responsible that lots of misdeeds, irrational teachings and irrational religions could come up and take root on Earth and amongst human beings. But the leaders not only brought terrible and erroneous things and misdeeds to Earth against their better knowledge, but also many good things of the handicraft, the philosophy and the thinking, the medicine and technology and many other things. Therefore these 144,207 spirit-forms of these ancient Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer were not reincarnated on Earth from another planet in order to further the development of this planet and they were also not Plejaren, but simply Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegan/Weganer. It was much later that the descendants of the splinter space-traveller groups of Lyra and Vega called themselves Plejaren – these splinter groups stayed away from Earth, while the other travellers from Lyra and Vega settled on Earth –, after suitable habitable worlds had been discovered and colonised in the area of the Plejaren. These worlds, however, just like the Lyranian/lyranischen and Vegan/weganischen planets, are located outside of our space-time configuration, so therefore in another dimension, a mere fraction of a second off our space-time configuration. On the Pleiades star cluster in our present time and space there exists no life whatsoever because the Pleiades are still at a very early stage in their development.
Of course the immigrated Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer, as well as the 144,207 leader personalities remained on Earth. Consequently they died over the course of time on Earth, in order to incarnate again and again over all the time since then into human bodies on Earth, however, without any memory of their former lives, as this is given for all human life forms through creational laws and recommendations, so that there will be no chaos and confusion in the human thinking and feeling. Nonetheless, all these fallible ones who had come to Earth, were unified by an Jschwjsch, and were taught all the necessary creational laws and recommendations as well as guidelines, etc. through which the fallible ones, in particular the 144,207 ringleaders, agreed to make good again in later incarnations the damages wrought. At the same time, they created a codex for themselves and all followers, through which they should suffer from severest measures if they break from their oath of compensation and the thereof resulting mission. This codex has been created for all the future times until the day the compensation will be completed. (In the meantime the codex has been fulfilled and is, therefore, out of function [remark 1998].)
Therefore, the 144,207 human beings, besides countless followers, are integrated into this codex up to the current time and far beyond into the future, in order to fulfil the mission of the compensation. In the new time, the bearers of the codex are gathering anew, lead and guided through the impulses of the codex becoming efficacious in them, through the teaching of the creational laws and recommendations, and through the help of the Plejaren, who feel themselves jointly responsible for the fulfilment of this mission. I, Eduard Albert Meier, called Billy, act as middleman between the Plejaren and the bearers of the codex as well as the majority of the human beings of Earth. In ancient times, I, as human being with a higher developed spirit-form, offered myself voluntarily for this mission and task and received an appropriate education. It is necessary to mention, that out of the fact of the former 144,207 ringleaders and their history the wrong christian-religious and sectarian legend of the supposed 144,000 chosen ones resulted, i.e. was invented. This was accomplished by irresponsible sectarians in order to bind there-through believers and other misguided followers to wrong religions and other cults and sects, in order to be able to exploit them, in every possible form, to the last drop of blood.[41]
- UFO Facts: Earth Human Origins (External) – interesting selected excerpts.
Summary of the Plejaren message to the Earth human being
Leading back the earthly humankind from the guidance into the unreal and wrong mode of life, wrong philosophies and the turning-away from the creational laws and recommendations and the ausartungen[42] in all fields of badness, shortcomings, irrational religions and deviancies of all kind etc. – brought about through the old Lyranians/Lyraner and Vegans/Weganer, and which were created willingly, joyfully, irresponsibly and consciencelessly through the human being of Earth – towards the right mode of life which is in accordance with the creational laws, recommendations and guidelines.[43]
Index of terminology
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Q&A [Show/Hide]
Q: Can Plejaren technological beliefs be as dangerous as God beliefs?
A: Theoretically yes. Example, there are stories in the Contact Reports of them walking around Earth since known history began invisibly. It's theoretically dangerous to believe a technology is hypothetically possible when we in reality have not even found the basic entrance for such a scientific progression yet. Perhaps this is why Ptaah apologised to Billy once[citation needed] for not more being done about the hoax portrayal.
Q: How stupid is giving aid to poverty and benefits to homeless while preventing decent persons getting the right jobs and crippling the ability to progress?
A: Well it probably is stupid because there is only ever a small quantity of decent people available, so making it too difficult for them to get along sensibly in life and then taking their hard earned tax money to give to poverty in the third-world and paying for homelessness instead of giving out homes away from the area, well that all is probably stupid, but then again we’re overpopulated and have a very stupid social system anyway. It is still a medieval system if we look closely at what is going on. But look at any place on earth and they have not made much progress in a thousand years. I mean look at Switzerland, which should be a good example, the Swiss are very primitive stupid people if we’re proportioning this to the Plejaren and what they have achieved and developed. And Swiss should be one of the best examples. We have a very long way to go as yet, so don’t alienate yourself, get wishful toward the real challenges humanity faces.
Earth in the Contact Reports
Most of the Contact Reports are about Earth, but here are some specifically about the actual planet Earth.
During Contact Report 248, Ptaah explains several things to Billy in relation to Earth.
- The first flowers bloomed on Earth about 450 million years ago. The oldest fossils of flowers discovered by the Plejaren Federation on Earth are 308 million years old.
- The first health illnesses and diseases appeared on Earth approximately 4.5 million years ago. To which the early forms of humans or pre-humans were afflicted.
- The early forms of humans were upright walking hominid tree dwellers and ground inhabitants, these beings arose on the Earth at different times, so no single measure of time can be specified. But these beings were not yet filled with reason and understanding in the way that the actual first human was, who even disposed of cognitive reason and a recognizable consciousness.[44]
43. The proportional beauty of the Earth human being was already recognized in ancient Greece, which is why the human beings surpassing this standard of beauty were called ADONIS [good-looking ones].
44. At that time, the Earth human being was somewhat wild, so the real beauty was only recognized in a few, while those, through whom it was recognized, were called the beautiful ones, if I use the current Earth human terms for it.
45. At the present time, however, since the Earth human being has discarded his greatest wildness and consciously cares for his appearance, his given beauty comes to validity in its entire appearance, so today, in this regard, the majority of Earth humanity can be spoken of as Adonis forms.
46. This refers to the Earth human being’s physiognomic, shape-related and proportional appearance.
47. The Earth human being is one of the most well-proportioned and best-looking human life forms in the Universe, who is only somewhat surpassed by his actual ancestors, who have reached the best possible perfection in proportional regard.
48. The difference, however, is no longer very great because the material form is subject to limits and cannot be extended.
There is also a phenomenon known as beauty delusion which requires reference.
List of interesting things about Earth that the majority of its human population doesn't know about
That the female is more intelligent than the male
- Contact Report 211 - Cannot accept even if just once, the fact that the female gender is blessed with more intelligence.[45]
Basic principles of and the meaning of life
- Lacks understanding of Freedom[46] - Our unexamined beliefs and assumptions keep us fettered.[47]
- Little or no education about the meaning of life offered during the education.[48]
- Unaware of the true knowledge of the natural laws and recommendations of the Creation Universal Consciousness.[49]
- Unaware of incarnation.[50]
- Unaware of consciousness after death.[51]
- Contact Report 540 - Generally, the people are kept unknowing quite consciously because the more unknowing and knowledge-based dumber the human beings are, the easier they can be exploited, controlled, subjugated and treated as fools, and indeed both by religions and sects, i.e. their representatives and gurus, as well as by multinational corporations, scientists, conglomerates, diverse organizations and above all, by public authorities and governments.[52]
Earths North Pole is today over Greenland and in a thousand years time will be over todays Sudan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia
- Contact Report 540 - During the last 150 years Earth's magnetic (geomagnetic) fluctuations have been disturbed and has changed strength and been displaced. The change (technical in nature) in strength has already weakened by around 10 percent. This decrease is due to happen still further by around 6 percent per century.[53]
Individuals from several groups of extraterrestrials who have lived and or still live on Earth
- Individuals from the Plejaren Federation have lived on Earth at various times throughout history.[54]
- All Plejarans that live or have lived on Earth have learnt several terrestrial languages.[55]
- Contact Report 031 - The Plejaren use a translation device to transform a spoken language instantly as its spoken into the local language. However Ptaah has mastered spoken Greek.[56]
- Ptaah learned ancient Greek in Greece a couple of hundred years ago.[57]
- Ptaah lived as an illegal extra-expatriate in Greece during the 17th century but it should be noted that he did so honourably, engaging a self-learning study of local traditions, ways and values out of which a great interest in the Minoan history developed. He owns many books that are written in ancient Greek.[58]
- Contact Report 251 - Individuals of the Ancient Lyrian people lived and still live on Earth.[59]
- Contact Report 159 - the introduction of [the various] language[s] on the Earth happened when the first cosmonauts resided on this world, who mixed themselves with the earthly human life forms, [but] who still weren't strong in their own language.[60]
- A group named Bafath and Giza Intelligences which have now been forceably removed by the Plejaren Federation because they were secretly preparing criminal activities by clearing the way for a world war, out of which they were planning some kind of deplorable rule.[61]
- Contact Report 230 - Rapa Nui a small volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean was home to Extraterrestrials.[62]
- They were refugees who had travelled a great distance and used the island as an unsuspecting refuge by those who were pursuing them. Employing the Polynesian local inhabitants by revealing instructions and understandings to them with regard to how the still very primitive Earth humans could develop and build a special technology, from the simplest means, their own devices and primitive machines for their use. Its notably incomprehensible to the Plejaren Federation that they openly got involved with Earth humans who were still so primitive, which is how they concluded that they must have been refugees seeking an unsuspecting hiding location.[63]
- 4387 individuals from The Peoples Union of Bardan dishonourably committed Suicide in Russia in 1908 by distasteful order of their home planets governing body. They contracted various diseases and sexually transmitted infections from the local people. This is no reflection on the Russian nor Mongolian people as these various diseases are common in all nations. They were not invited, didn't have the correct documentation and resided illegally in these territories.[64]
- The quick extinguishment of their lives in an atomic sized explosion had dishonourable consequences, it destroyed and devastated 2,000 km² of native forests, wildlife, flora and fauna. Radiated the soil and released deadly pollutants into the atmosphere which affected and harmed local residents health as well those that lived much further away as the particulates traversed the continent through the jetstream, as well as polluted rivers and contaminated local water sources.[65]
- The national testing of atomic weapons has by no means justified the actions of this minority.[66]
- An individual gentlemen by the name of Gilgamesh lives somewhere on Earth today, the exact details of which have to be concealed for privacy reasons. His lifespan amounts to many thousands of years, has to work, has engaged a number of professions over the course of our recent history to provide for himself which requires knowledge of language and interpersonal relationships and in this way evidence inside this fact shows an assimilation with Earths values, traditions, social engagements and characteristics, which demonstrates an honour as well as a respect and a compassion for the humans of Earth through a long independent self-study.[67]
- An unknown number of rarely appearing interdimensional humanoid beings named 'Skrill' and 'Skrill-Wesen'[68] capable of changing dimensions at will using their brain. Which may have been involved in a number of dishonourable even distasteful exchanges and abuses.[69]
Individuals from several groups of extraterrestrials who have visited Earth, flown into terrestrial airspace
- There exists various extraterrestrials [humans from another humanity], who fly into terrestrial airspace infrequently and can be observed.[70]
Most cloak or conceal their flying devices from view.[71] - The majority of the observations do not correspond to reality, rather touch upon imaginations, many times are the consequence of science fiction films [CGI] that arouse the susceptible humans to fantasies through which they then see or experience imaginary things in the sky that have nothing to do with reality.[72]
- In every case caution is recommended in relation to contact with extraterrestrials and with that in relation to the observed UFOs. For a long time not all which was said and asserted was correct. Deceptions can be present during the observations of UFOs and extraterrestrial flying devices.[73]
- Contact Report 257 - It was firmly established by the military, secret services and highest government positions already by the First and Second World Wars that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin. The secrecy was still maintained.[74] ~ History lesson: Foo Fighters - times have changed
It was always only the very highest positions and officials who were privy to the secrets.[75]
It was these terrestrial individuals who then concerned themselves with and worked out concealment tactics to deceive most of their subordinates and the entire population.[76]
- The foreign extraterrestrials (whereby we don't count Plejaren Federation members as foreign, see Political Apathy and Political Alienation) come from the most diverse star systems. As a rule from our galaxy the Milky Way. Exceptions to the rule do exist however but there's only a few, where then extraterrestrials stem from foreign galaxies of millions of light years distance away.[77]
- There are three foreign groups which form a very great exception, most others have gone on to join the Plejaren Federation at which ever stage in history that may have been. At which point their no longer thought of as foreigners on the basis that the Plejaren Federation have identified themselves. The Plejaren sporadically include the three foreign groups in their observations so can say only little about it because at no time has the area fallen into their field of closer observation.[78][79]
- There are more examples in Contact Reports and FIGU Bulletins than we can remember how to again locate, reference to list here, but several pages on the wiki attempt to list them such as Planets.[editors encouraged to expand these sections]
Politicians, military and secret services in their irresponsibility, embarrassed their citizens
- Have openly laughed at the very real threats that their tax payers have or may face in isolation. Failed to officially inform at any level that anyone of us may face a threat in our lives from hostile humans from other worlds, to the extent that today none of us know about the various real risks officially. Some officials have hogwashed the risks others committed crimes such as assassination to rubbish certain individuals claims and to conceal secret national technological programmes.[80]
- The private sector has not been able to properly adjust and position itself accordingly, placing their citizens at greater risk.[citation needed]
- Contact Report 424 - "for a long time, we were not able to watch altogether everything pertaining to flights of beings foreign to earth."
"The fact is, that since 1800 until now 2006 the flying objects observed from outer space solely belonged to us Plejarens and the five others mentioned who joined our federation and those we could not contact and have remained foreign to us." - Nations in the European Union have dependently relied on science-fiction narratives to illustrate fantasies to their citizens, in such a way that now their citizens have deluded themselves to the real risks.[citation needed]
Note: 'Near future' is a matter of individual perspective - a thousand years is considered near future on the Event Timeline.
- Contact Report 251 - The Sirians of the present day Sirian Alliance who were and still are technically-advanced, in this historical account and for our comprehension of the matter are given the name Creator Overlords, a title not given lightly as the responsibility and legacy of the 'Ancestral Sin'[81] is factored into the assessment. They had lost the ability to fight and defend themselves through their own self genetic manipulation at an even earlier time, during their previous time living in the Lyra star system.
So they decided to create a new human race with a limited life-span of 100 years.[82] Which were specially prepared so that they would naturally elaborate barbaric traits, tending toward degeneracy and cruelty, with the goal of forming an army of warriors which they could more easily control through natural controls. There were many diplomatic wranglings over the situation, deciding eventually to eliminate them entirely so that no further problems would occur, but of course one thing led to another and many escaped with the help of others from another humanity.[83]
The new human race, which still exists on Earth to this day. At that time some escaped and settled Earth, Mars and the then Malona. Choosing the Sol star system to hide because it looks unsuspecting as a system that humans would choose to live, its Planets including earth were and still are not particularly suitable for human life due to their air composition not being conducive to prolonging the human longevity, but also because the star is dying.[84]
Dying Sun, not remembering and the continued situation
This is the lofty, very big picture.
- Much has calmed down and turned toward the better over the time and up to today. Fortunately the Sirian Alliance are no longer looking to wipe clear their historical mistakes and besides we now have our own humanity here.[85]
The Sun dying was known even back then by various leading scientists and discerning individuals, who determined that we'd inevitably have to leave again whether that would be at some time or another.[86]
We must first rectify the original genetics inside of us that limits our life span, which leads us to depraved lifestyles etc., before we can do that, to leave. The Plejaren Federation will only allow us to leave and with that to any further communication, once these prerequisites have been met.[87]
On top of all that a natural law exists in the universe which needless to really explain much, prevents us from knowing anything about our past lives, from remembering our past life.[88]
Our humanities quick forgetfulness of history is a separate factor aside from this, we move on rapidly, we develop rapidly, evolve and make progress rapidly, see the section below about our rapid development.[89]
The special compound
What you have just read is a very small part of the overview which is the very specialist compound found in Contact Report 251 which is further expanded out in many of the other Contact Reports, which branches out from the history into all the distorted religious relic particulars such as the: Devilish snake - Garden of Eden - Original Sin - God - Meaning of life
All distorted confused and disorientating particulars [religious intellectual products] are woven into the above explanation. And this realisation of deception for its simplicity is why so many Attempts on Billy's Life have occurred. You are most welcome to make sense of it from the original source texts as have been referenced throughout.
Many through out the world have spent many decades of any available spare time, ever since it was first released in published form, studying this special compound of information, even to this day. Several sections of the official FIGU forum are devoted to these specialist detailed particulars, even if the wording has not been quite as special as it has been for the perspective here. There are several strong reasons why individuals have been so attracted to this unique composition. One of these reasons is how it somehow [don't ask us how] mirrors reality in a way none of us have ever experienced before, when we proceeded deeper into this big picture.
A very accelerated development with a massive overpopulation problem
- Contact Report 585 - The situation has caused extremely malicious, negative and bad factors, which particularly have arisen regarding atomic-, rocket, drone- and other weapons in general and other technologies as well as chemistry, industrial-, Earth orbit- and communications technologies etc., through which much disaster was brought and will be brought in the future over terrestrial humanity as well as in regard to the planet itself, the entire nature and fauna and flora and the climate.[90]
- The stupidity, power conduct, greed for profit, and highhandedness, egoism and religious-sectarian faith delusion as well as hate, inhumanity and everywhere ruling illogic etc., allows the understanding and reason of Earthhumans to decline, consequently from all development and all progress in each area enormously much disaster is caused and has even brought about the gross Climate Change.[91]
- The stupidity of terrestrial responsible scientists, militaries and technologists as well as all of those, who shamefully abuse as filthy profiteers for the sake of power and pleasure, everything to the detriment of all human, animal, insect and plant life and the planet as well as its resources and climate, unfortunately recognizes no limits and in no way whatsoever responsibility.[92]
- With them belongs also the majority of terrestrial mankind, who just think about their own well-being and do not concern themselves about the fact that gradually however certainly each and every thing is destroyed, consequently Earthhumans themselves slowly but surely destroy all of their life basis[93] which always occurs more rapidly the faster the terrestrial population increases.[94]
- The fact is then, that the raging human overpopulation is the reason for each and every evil which already for decades results in a steadily further increase and ultimately leads to inevitable catastrophe, if not finally everything is stopped and guided into correct courses and everything necessary is taken up and strictly implemented.[95]
Things we don't know confidently about ourselves and each other
- Some conceal how smart or intelligent they are from themselves and or each other for whatever reason that may be.[96] Others go the other way and overinflate their worth of themselves and or each other. However we do know which person is benefited most by our social system regime, always the persons who inflate their worth and never those that conceal their talents. The middle neutral position is to neither inflate nor conceal but just to reveal in a normal way, assuming others will allow.
- Proof for the existence of the spirit - Seeking this proof is tantamount to consciousness poverty.
- William John Warner popularly known as Cheiro actually gathered quite a lot of his numerical values correctly. However, Cheiro's numerical values truly need to be tackled very carefully, because the remaining 10 incorrect values still bring about errors.[97]
Further Reading
- Planets - Terra - Erra - Malona - Mars
- Event Timeline - of Earth
- Contact Report 238 - pages 406 to 413 - The ages of the celestial bodies
- Contact Report 236 - pages 261 to 262 - The chronology of the arrival of the different Earth peoples
Other Earth Related further reading
- Education, what it is and why its only associated with children, on Earth
- The Reality and its Truth, going out of fashion for Earth humans
- Nearest inhabited planet to Earth, Also see Planets
- Happiness, gewalt and other behavioural patterns of the Earth Human beings
- The Earth Human Speaks Of A Love That He Does Not Know
- The Female And Male Gender, why has gender inequality occurred on planet Earth
- Homosexuality - What is its Cause
Worthy of knowing, worthy of time
- ↑ Event Timeline
- ↑ Event Timeline
- ↑ Event Timeline
- ↑ Contact Report 469
- ↑ Contact Report 469
- ↑ La vérité sur "UFO-Billy", Interview du magazine 2000, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Overpopulation_Crusade
- ↑ Event Timeline
- ↑ Overpopulation Bomb
- ↑ Arahat Athersata Overpopulation
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/13020.html?1390692613#POST68645
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/13020.html?1390692613#POST68645
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/13020.html?1390692613#POST68645
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/13020.html?1390692613#POST68645
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact Report 582
- ↑ Contact Report 538
- ↑ Ausartung nom – plural Ausartungen – une très mauvaise libération du contrôle de la bonne nature humaine
- ↑ Contact Report 616
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 8 - July 1992 - Randolph Winters
- ↑ Listed as a reference in the original text: Sodomy = sexual actions between human beings and animals. The usual meaning of this is: anal intercourse. The wording probably means bestiality.
- ↑ Bestiality is a word describing sex between a human and an animal. There are few things stranger or more repulsive than bestiality. When you say bestiality, you can hear the word beast, which is a good clue to the meaning.
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ http://dict.figu.org/node/6170
- ↑ http://dict.figu.org/node/6170
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ http://dict.figu.org/node/6170
- ↑ The truth about "UFO-Billy", 2000 Magazine Interview, Wissenswertes Nr. 5› 1976.
- ↑ http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_248
- ↑ Contact Report 211
- ↑ Billy’s Om, Canon 43, lines 156-170
- ↑ Freedom and the Ties that Bind
- ↑ What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!
- ↑ What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!
- ↑ What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!
- ↑ What All Human Beings Of Earth Should Know!
- ↑ Contact Report 540
- ↑ Contact Report 540
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/3296.html?1043822889#POST9502
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/3296.html?1043822889#POST9502
- ↑ Contact Report 031
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/3296.html?1043822889#POST9502
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/12/3296.html?1043822889#POST9502
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 159
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 230
- ↑ Contact Report 230
- ↑ Bardan
- ↑ Bardan
- ↑ Bardan
- ↑ Gilgamesh
- ↑ Pages 1506 and 1507 of the book Geisteslehre Lehrbriefe paragraph 121-124
- ↑ Pages 1506 and 1507 of the book Geisteslehre Lehrbriefe paragraph 121-124
- ↑ Contact Report 257
- ↑ Contact Report 031
- ↑ Contact Report 257
- ↑ Contact Report 257
- ↑ Contact Report 257
- ↑ Contact Report 257
- ↑ Contact Report 257
- ↑ Contact Report 257
- ↑ Contact Report 463
- ↑ FIGU Special Bulletin 044
- ↑ Contact Report 424
- ↑ Original Sin
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 251
- ↑ Contact Report 585
- ↑ Contact Report 585
- ↑ Contact Report 585
- ↑ Contact Report 585
- ↑ Arahat Athersata Overpopulation
- ↑ Contact Report 585
- ↑ Contact Report 585
- ↑ Contact_Report_238
- ↑ Contact Report 127