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==La Reincarnation== | ==La Reincarnation== |
Revision as of 00:21, 21 December 2022
Cet article n'est pas une publication officielle de la FIGU.
Note de Traduction
- Traduction, remise en forme de la page et améliorations : D33PL Translator, Gerald - Dec 2022
La Reincarnation
Noms Alternatifs: Incarnation, cycle de vie, cercle de la vie, Grand cercle de la vie i.e. l'ensemble.
Noms d'approche erronés : renaissance, renaître, naître à nouveau, transmigration, métempsycose.
Termes associés: Banque de Stockage, annales Akashic, Mort, wesen, processus biologiques, phénomène naturel, lois et recommandations créatives-naturelles, fluides fins, ondes oscillantes, bloc de conscience global, bloc de conscience complet, forme spirituelle, et bien d'autres termes, approches et perspectives de la même connaissance, quelle que soit son appellation.
L'incarnation est un cadre philosophique de la vie, un concept religieux et un futur domaine scientifique, qui traite d'un large éventail d'aspects d'un être vivant (en allemand : wesen). Quand, comment, où et pourquoi il commence une nouvelle vie dans un nouveau corps physique ; après chaque mort biologique. Il s'agit d'une séquence de processus qui s'enchaînent, tout comme la vie et les processus biologiques connus. Les processus qui se déroulent entre les deux se trouvent dans ce que la FIGU appelle de manière variable l'au-delà, la zone de l'au-delà, la zone de l'autre monde et, moins souvent, une dimension située à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur[1] de la ceinture visible de l'univers matériel. Les lois, principes et explications de l'incarnation de Billy Meier sont plus alignés sur la science, probablement pour encourager la science.
Comme tous les autres sujets de Billy Meier, il introduit une série de nouveaux mots, terminologies, phrases et faits non découverts à découvrir. Pour lesquels une diversité d'explications évolutives sont à trouver à travers tous les différents Livres, le dictionnaire FIGU et le forum. Cette page wiki a donc, il faut bien le dire, dans une certaine mesure été mélangée à partir de toutes les sources et références pour être lue de la même manière que les autres pages de ce wiki.
- FIGU dictionary
- forum
- Représentation schématique CreationalTruth: Incarnation Process (PDF) (External)
Points de vue
La réincarnation est une pseudoscience de plus dans un domaine pseudoscientifique très long et de plus en plus long que la FIGU et Billy Meier ont traité, certains disent plutôt bien.
Le sujet est particulièrement compliqué, mais a été magnifiquement expliqué, pour deux raisons principales.
- Parce qu'il nécessite de ramasser une série d'éléments éparpillés dans un large spectre de possibilités, dont beaucoup, s'ils ont été découverts, ne sont pas normalement connus socialement, mal abordés socialement (déroutants), non cultivés (détails peu clairs) ou partiellement découverts (inconnus-inconnus).
- Et parce qu'elle traite essentiellement de la totalité de la réalité ; lorsque tous les sujets connexes sont amenés dans leur positionnement approprié, et la réalité est compliquée.
Nous pouvons cependant utiliser des portes logiques et comme tout sujet, cela ne reste pas ainsi (compliqué). Tout dans la progression de l'évolution est ramené à un petit résumé bien ordonné dans le temps (voir Evolution de la conscience). Actuellement, nos accords culturellement composés supposent que l'incarnation n'existe pas, qu'elle est purement théorique et qu'elle est donnée aux religions pour leurs industries du divertissement. Actuellement et officiellement, rien n'existe selon la pensée scientifique et universitaire actuelle et de pointe de la Terre. Le paradigme ne se poursuivra pas indéfiniment. Une bataille difficile et ardue se déroule dans les coulisses du domaine scientifique et une certaine forme de révision de cette position est inévitable, nécessitant l'une des découvertes d'évolution individuellement possibles pour déclencher une révolution dans la pensée.
- La découverte scientifique de la survie de la mort et de la réincarnation provoquerait un changement et une modification de la conscience (révolution globale) bien plus importants que ne le ferait un atterrissage public d'ET.
L'un des principes clés de l'information sur la réincarnation de Billy Meier est que nous prenons tous beaucoup de temps dans l'au-delà pour développer une ébauche de notre vie future[2]. Nous pourrions donc dire que la découverte dépend plutôt d'un autre facteur, qu'elle dépend de la possibilité de révéler l'information ouvertement, plutôt que de la connaître, parce que nous aurions pu intégrer la révélation de la science de celle-ci dans nos vies actuelles, s'il y avait une possibilité fertile pour cela ; que nous attendons soit une économie, soit une acceptation. De cette manière, on peut parler d'une peur de la critique ou d'une persécution extrême, de toute façon les mouvements de l'évolution sont limités à ce qui est soutenable, c'est-à-dire que des bases scientifiques solides rendent les explications indéniables et la poursuite de la connaissance possible.
Un exemple généralement connu est que si les religions n'avaient pas persécuté les scientifiques et brûlé leurs livres de temps à autre au cours de l'histoire, nous aurions probablement déjà de grands vaisseaux spatiaux à l'heure actuelle. Ainsi, la science de la réincarnation, tout comme la science du génie génétique, dépend de la protection des scientifiques et de la garantie des opportunités d'emploi.
Une prophétie interne de la communauté FIGU, connue et ouvertement dissimulée, pour un avenir beaucoup plus lointain, se trouve dans le rapport de contact 251.
C'est le moment où le Japon et la Chine découvriront que la physique dominante n'est pas le dernier mot de la connaissance, mais qu'il existe encore un niveau supérieur de physique qui s'étend aux sphères de la matière fine. Après cette prise de conscience, la science sera discréditée pendant un certain temps.
Le discrédit de la science lors de la découverte indique que nous (la Terre, la majorité) ne sommes pas en mesure de tolérer les sciences de la matière fine pour le moment, nous sommes trop primitifs pour cela, mais cela arrivera de toute façon dans le futur. L'existence des religions sur Terre explique déjà cette impréparation, cette réticence. Nous le découvrirons cependant, et c'est pour cette raison que nous pouvons alors parler d'une disparité entre les âges d'évolution des formes spirituelles et donc d'une minorité de formes spirituelles ET très évoluées sur Terre. C'est un thème fort de l'information sur la réincarnation pour ces raisons, car c'est à eux que l'information est destinée, et c'est pourquoi il y a si peu d'efforts avec la FIGU pour essayer de convaincre qui que ce soit.
Comment aborder
Comme Billy Meier s'efforce de faire face à la réalité, si cela n'a pas de sens, il faut vérifier. Vérifiez le texte source original et vérifiez avec la réalité ; parce que n'importe qui dans le monde devrait, dans le cadre que Billy utilise, être capable de le vérifier (comparaison croisée avec la réalité) où qu'il soit. Elle est controversée par les scientifiques et les politiciens pour un grand nombre de raisons (voir ci-dessous), mais elle n'est pas irréelle ou fictive (certains affirment que c'est parce qu'elle est controversée).
Elle peut toutefois s'avérer beaucoup plus difficile pour les personnes qui apportent avec elles le bagage d'idées préconçues et de suppositions non fondées. Tout simplement parce que la science n'a pas encore découvert ces domaines et qu'ils sont officiellement considérés comme des informations nouvelles, n'ayant jamais été enseignées sur Terre auparavant. Il est courageux pour un scientifique de s'aventurer dans un sujet avant de découvrir la physique des particules associée.
Il est recommandé aux universitaires non titulaires d'étudier en privé et de ne pas devenir trop bavards prématurément (voir FIGU#Talkativeness and Performing Missionary Work)
En ce qui concerne les lecteurs théoriciens de la conspiration, cette citation est tirée du rapport de contact 002. Contact Report 002.
70. Actuellement, les individus les moins disposés à reconnaître et à diffuser la vérité seront ceux qui se sont laissés tromper par des fraudeurs et des charlatans pendant des décennies, et qui ont sacrifié des millions pour la diffusion d'histoires et de livres mensongers.
C'est un principe central de toutes les grandes religions indiennes, à savoir le bouddhisme, l'hindouisme, le jaïnisme et le sikhisme. Là où il diffère alors considérablement des explications de Billy Meier.
- Par exemple : il peut s'agir de s'incarner dans une forme différente de l'humain. Ce qui est impossible dans le cadre de l'enseignement spirituel de Billy Meier. Ce doit être dans un humain si l'individu (voir Wesen ci-dessous) est humain.
- Spécifiquement, les humains sont une science basée sur l'évolution de la conscience, alors que les animaux et les insectes sont basés sur des bases différentes, dans une science basée sur l'évolution de l'intelligence ou de l'instinct, le calibrage ne peut pas être mélangé, mais c'est évident à voir de toute façon parce que le monde aurait l'air très différent si c'était possible.
Om [Omfalon Murado] 31:313
Celui qui ne comprend pas cherchera ceux qui comprennent, et cherchera l'essence de la sagesse
whoever doesn't understand will seek out those that do, and search for the essence of wisdom.[2]
Om [Omfalon Murado] 31:314
les incompréhensifs et les insensés chercheront et essaieront de se servir du pain de l'essence de la sagesse, et boiront le vin qu'on verse.
ununderstanding ones and fools search and try to make use of the bread of the essence of wisdom, and will drink the wine one pours out.[3]
OM [Omfalon Murado] 33:103
C'est ainsi qu'il sera le prophète du temps nouveau, lorsque le temps du temps arrivera, et que son nom signifiera qu'il est le gardien du trésor (note : Eduard) au moment où les équitables auront expurgé leur culpabilité sept mille fois (note : voir 'fin du Codex') et auront fait le pas pour l'accomplissement du serment de la détermination.
Questions auxquelles [[Billy] a répondu]
Se souvenir des vies antérieures
Voir FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
Ceci fait référence à la science et à la connaissance de la réincarnation : y a-t-il une science spirituelle spécifique qui a traité et montré aux humains ou aux Plejaren les moyens de se souvenir des vies passées réincarnées pour les développer dans chaque nouvelle vie lorsqu'ils redeviennent physiques, est-ce possible ?
La raison de cette question est que dans mes lectures extérieures, il y a eu une revendication d'une telle science, mais par le Vatican / lois chrétiennes ou autre, ils ont soit détruit les livres dans le but de prendre ce pouvoir loin des humains.
Réponse: Une telle science n'a jamais été présente ou enseignée sur Terre. De telles affirmations sont très probablement basées sur des absurdités new-age.
Bien sûr, le fonctionnement de la réincarnation fait partie des enseignements spirituels (et y est expliqué).
Cependant, sur d'autres planètes, il peut certainement exister des enseignements/sciences concernant le souvenir des réincarnations[4]
Formes spirituelles pures
Du FIGU Forum (Questions répondues par Billy :
Si je comprends bien, lorsqu'une personne meurt sur une planète, elle se réincarne ensuite sur cette même planète.
Les êtres qui ont évolué au-delà de la nécessité d'avoir un corps physique sont-ils également obligés de rester dans la région de leur monde d'origine ou ont-ils le choix de se déplacer dans tout l'univers ?
Réponse : Bonjour Scott,
Les êtres que tu mentionnes sont des formes spirituelles pures (Reingeistformen). Leur royaume s'étend à travers l'Univers. (Arahat Athersata est le plus bas de ces royaumes.) Ils ne sont plus liés à un système ou à une planète[5]
Se réincarner sur des vaisseaux spatiaux
Du FIGU Forum (Questions répondues par Billy :
Si un vaisseau spatial (primitif) se déplaçant lentement prend plusieurs générations pour atteindre sa planète de destination, et que pendant ce voyage des bébés naissent dans ce vaisseau (augmentant ainsi sa population), d'où viendraient les formes spirituelles ?
Réponse : Bonjour Jean Pierre,
Les formes spirituelles viendraient de la planète la plus proche qui est habitée par des êtres humains (où les gens sont au moins aussi développés/évolués que les gens dans le vaisseau spatial).[6]
Les scientifiques n'ont pas découvert les fondements de ce sujet en réalité, mais les uns après les autres et au cours de l'histoire, ils ont découvert une variété de bricoles associées à ce sujet. Un calcul de probabilité grossier indique qu'ils le feront, à condition que nous tenions compte d'un millénaire supplémentaire ou plus.
"Il y a deux écoles de pensée...
La première est que le temps est un phénomène structuré, inflexible, linéaire, qui ne peut être ni modifié ni changé.
L'autre concept est que le temps est en effet un phénomène flexible, non linéaire, navigable comme l'espace, et qu'une fois que nous savons ce qu'est le temps et comment l'utiliser, nous pouvons réellement reculer et avancer dans le temps et y percevoir les événements."
Certains scientifiques se sont penchés sur toute une série d'études indépendantes associées, notamment sur les particules incroyablement fines et le phénomène mystérieux.
- Beaucoup d'entre eux, s'ils n'ont pas été réduits au silence, ont été presque effacés de la chronologie de l'histoire parce qu'ils étaient trop controversés pour les autres scientifiques de leur époque et par crainte que cela ne ternisse leur profession.
- Le domaine de la science prend un temps incroyablement long à faire des découvertes, pour toute civilisation, pas seulement la nôtre. Il est loin d'être aussi simple que les autres forces fondamentales déjà découvertes qui lui sont associées.
- À quoi sert de trouver et de nommer une particule ou un phénomène, si on ne le ramène pas ensuite et si on ne le positionne pas convenablement dans le corps de la compréhension publique. Permettant ainsi une révolution appropriée dans la compréhension. Cela ne sert à rien, cela n'arrive pas, c'est supprimé, généralement pour d'obscures raisons religieuses.
- Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, nous avons tout découvert, des Foo Fighters (Haunebu) à la psychopyrokinésie (combustion humaine spontanée) Psychopyrokinesis (Spontaneous human combustion)., mais il s'agit d'une révélation ou d'une théorie du complot, car pour une raison quelconque, généralement l'argent, les progrès ne sont pas largement divulgués pendant longtemps, voire jamais.
- En tout temps, certaines découvertes sont omises (censurées), exclues (ne valent pas la peine d'être connues), négligées (ignorées) ou simplement ignorées jusqu'à plus tard (confuses) avec la clarté de nouvelles perspectives du même sujet développées à l'extérieur, réimplémentées afin qu'il puisse être vu à nouveau.
Lorsque les scientifiques découvriront la matière fine dans le futur, alors l'incarnation pourrait bien avoir un autre regard, être revisitée et alors l'utilité et la valeur de l'enseignement de l'Esprit (Spirit Teaching) pourraient ou non être reconnues. Ce qui sera intéressant car ils seront alors des documents historiques. De toute façon, l'histoire complète est rarement offerte et tend à être oubliée dans n'importe quelle séquence, et cela est pertinent pour la réincarnation parce que la réincarnation est essentiellement une construction cumulative dans le corps de connaissances que nous avons en commun et que nous partageons, c'est à cela que cela sert.
C'est le moment où le Japon et la Chine découvriront que la physique dominante n'est pas le dernier mot de la connaissance, mais qu'il existe encore un niveau supérieur de physique qui s'étend aux sphères de la matière fine. Après cette prise de conscience, la science sera discréditée pour un certain temps.
La section suivante concerne les lois créatives-naturelles. Le travail avec les portes logiques pour déterminer ce qui est possible et ce qui ne l'est pas. L'aspect de la philosophie de vie utile, que la plupart des gens souhaitent, est intercalé dans le corps du texte ainsi que dans la section de la fin.
Processus (section pour les lois créatives-naturelles)
Comme mentionné, il n'y a pas de science, c'est un système autonome de portes logiques. N'affirmez pas que c'est sûr avant d'avoir pris le temps d'examiner l'étendue de ce que nous regardons, c'est-à-dire d'être en mesure de juger.
Quelles sont les formes spirituelles qui s'incarnent et celles qui ne le font pas (nouvelles formes spirituelles) ?
- L'esprit peut être observé dans le fait que la vie existe.
- Il dépend des ondes oscillantes, que les universitaires décriraient probablement indirectement comme le développement culturel et l'évolution. Pour savoir si une forme spirituelle s'incarne ou non. Si l'évolution ou le développement culturel est trop élevé, les nouvelles formes spirituelles ne s'incarneront pas. A l'inverse, si l'évolution est trop faible, les formes spirituelles les plus évoluées ne s'incarneront pas, ou un mélange spécial peut se produire en fonction du régime établi, ce qui peut causer des problèmes particuliers.
- Aucun nouvel esprit ne s'incarne actuellement sur cette planète (à l'heure actuelle seulement, mais par le passé) parce que l'évolution (actuelle) est trop élevée.
- Cependant, de nombreux esprits moins évolués mènent déjà une vie. Indépendamment, vous pouvez étudier le handicap mental.
- Une nouvelle forme d'esprit est différente d'une forme d'esprit très peu évoluée.
- Une nouvelle forme d'esprit encore ignorante - chez les humains et chez les animaux, etc. n'a pas encore de bloc de conscience globale, respectivement de bloc de conscience instinctive globale.
- C'est à partir de là qu'elle créerait en elle-même une conscience humaine, ou une conscience matérielle.
- Ou, dans le cas des animaux, une conscience instinctive animale.
- La désignation "nouvelle forme spirituelle" ne lui est donnée qu'au moment où elle entre et naît pour la première fois dans un corps humain.
- La nouvelle forme spirituelle a été créée dans sa forme Ur (ur signifie le plus ancien) lors de la formation de la ceinture matérielle universelle (le physique, la ceinture dans laquelle vous vous trouvez) par la force de la création dans l'univers.
- La forme spirituelle humaine en devenir n'a jamais été "nouvelle", elle s'est réincarnée à plusieurs reprises et a évolué sur un long chemin pour devenir une véritable forme spirituelle humaine.
- La forme spirituelle "nouvelle" (Neugeistform) est appelée "nouvelle" parce qu'elle entre dans un être humain pour la première fois si cet être humain a dépassé les étapes où il apparaissait (et était) plutôt sous une forme animale.
- La "nouvelle" forme spirituelle s'est déjà réincarnée auparavant, mais pas avec un être humain, mais avec une sorte de "nature" animale.
- La forme spirituelle qui a animé l'"Adelobasileus cromptoni" a évolué en même temps que le corps physique de l'animal, pendant des millions d'années, jusqu'à ce que la forme du corps devienne humaine et que le cerveau soit suffisamment développé pour qu'il soit possible de commencer comme un être humain.
- Alors qu'il semble qu'il n'y ait pas de réelle distinction entre le stade évolutif final des primates et le tout premier stade de l'être humain réel, il y en a une. Un animal particulièrement évolué est, à première vue, assez semblable à un être humain particulièrement peu évolué. Mais un wesen évolutif basé sur la conscience est différent d'un wesen évolutif basé sur l'intelligence instinctive (voir la section sur les types de wesen ci-dessous). De la même manière qu'une plante particulièrement évoluée qui se déplace et attrape des proies n'est pas un insecte malgré le fait qu'ils fassent tous les deux quelque chose de similaire avec leur temps, ce sont des formes légèrement différentes d'évolution par impulsion, ce qui explique pourquoi ils évoluent légèrement différemment sur une grande période de temps. Il s'agit d'objectifs d'évolution qui se déroulent dans une dimension matérielle fine qui n'a pas encore été découverte scientifiquement et qui est difficile à exprimer en termes non scientifiques.
- Si nous parlons donc exclusivement de l'homme, il est dépourvu du bloc de conscience globale, respectivement du bloc de conscience instinctive globale ; il est donc encore une forme ignorante et il habite pour la première fois dans un corps matériel. C'est un nouvel esprit de l'univers et il doit encore porter en lui l'impulsion de la forme-esprit superposée aux lois, pour se créer et se développer à partir d'un bloc de conscience global.
Durée du séjour dans l'au-delà
- Pour environ 100 ans de vie et de vie individuelle sur Terre. La forme-esprit a besoin d'environ 152 ans dans l'au-delà. [7]
- Il n'est pas possible de se souvenir du temps entre les vies et nous n'avons pas les mots pour le décrire.
- Il n'existe plus de personnalité, et donc plus de pensées comme celles que nous connaissons dans notre vie matérielle.
- Puisque l'esprit existe dans l'intemporalité, on peut dire qu'il se repose ou sommeille dans une position d'attente. Dans cet état, il peut absorber (aufnehmen) des informations provenant des banques de stockage du bloc de conscience global.[8]
- Autre terme pour cet état : état de repos semblable au sommeil.
Cependant, en raison de la surpopulation, cette durée n'est pas toujours possible, ce qui pose de nombreux problèmes.
Consequences de la Surpopulation
Q : Pourquoi la surpopulation est-elle à nouveau mentionnée si rapidement? - R : Parce que cela a changé l'arrangement des lois créatives-naturelles.
- L'effet de la surpopulation overpopulation sur la réincarnation.
- Il fait qu'une nouvelle conscience et une nouvelle personnalité s'incarnent avec la réincarnation de la forme-esprit seulement un très court moment après la mort et le temps dans l'au-delà malheureusement.
- Dans certains cas, il ne s'agit que d'une demi-heure. Mais ces cas extrêmement courts sont très rares. Dans de tels cas, la nouvelle personnalité doit faire face à la chronique précédemment accumulée par les banques de stockage dans la vie elle-même et non dans l'au-delà. Ces individus reçoivent de fortes impulsions de souvenirs de la personnalité précédente et ils ont tendance à faire la une des journaux lorsque les détails de ces souvenirs sont partagés. Cela se produit parce qu'il n'y a pas eu assez de temps entre les incarnations dans l'au-delà, et qu'il y a toujours un lien fort avec l'existence matérielle précédente[9]
- Dans nos temps modernes, avec l'immense surpopulation, un facteur de désordre est apparu dans tout le processus. En d'autres termes, les formes spirituelles doivent s'incarner à nouveau avant que le "bloc de conscience global" (Gesamtbewusstseinblock) n'ait complètement dissous l'ancienne personnalité et/ou achevé la nouvelle personnalité.
- La surpopulation n'a d'effet que sur la durée du temps entre deux incarnations.
Tant qu'il y aura une surpopulation sur la Terre, il continuera d'y avoir des effets négatifs, comme celui-ci : des êtres humains (forme spirituelle et bloc de conscience) qui se réincarnent trop tôt :
- Si une forme spirituelle est forcée de se réincarner trop tôt, la POE n'a pas assez de temps pour programmer complètement la nouvelle personnalité.
- En conséquence, il y a des êtres humains qui naissent avec de grands problèmes à vivre dans leur nouvelle vie.
- Autres effets : faiblesse, manque de rigueur, instabilité, etc.
- affectant négativement les relations interpersonnelles, l'environnement, et bien sûr la planète elle-même.
- Il en résulte que tant d'êtres humains souffrent de divers maux, handicaps, problèmes, "mollesse", tendance à la toxicomanie, etc. etc.
- Une fois que la population dépasse 529 000 000, la Terre est surpeuplée. Nous sommes surpeuplés depuis au moins les années 1800, mais probablement depuis les années 1700.
- Même si nous devions faire l'expérience de la troisième guerre mondiale et d'Apophis et qu'ensemble, ils provoquaient une diminution de la population mondiale de 2/3, nous serions encore largement surpeuplés avec presque 3 milliards de personnes. Cela signifie que les réincarnations précoces et les 152 années mentionnées précédemment dans l'au-delà n'ont plus lieu d'être.
Quand le monde a-t-il commencé à devenir si surpeuplé que le temps de la forme spirituelle dans l'au-delà a été raccourci ?
- Pendant le siècle des Lumières (1715-1789). Selon les estimations, la population mondiale était alors de 600 à 679 millions d'habitants, soit au moins 71 millions de nouvelles formes spirituelles s'incarnant sur Terre alors que le monde était déjà considéré comme surpeuplé.
- Ainsi, selon cette logique, le temps de la forme spirituelle dans l'au-delà a été raccourci à partir de 1700 environ, lorsque la population mondiale était d'environ 600 millions ou plus.
- Il semble peu judicieux de suggérer que notre évolution est devenue trop élevée avant cette période. L'histoire avant le siècle des Lumières était sombre et ignorante.
- La révolution scientifique a conduit à la période des Lumières au 18e siècle et l'a influencée. La publication de l'ouvrage de Nicolaus Copernic, Sur les révolutions des sphères célestes, est citée comme marquant le début de la révolution scientifique, qui a été publiée en 1543.
- Cependant, les livres de Platon, dans la Grèce antique, recourent à l'idée d'obscurité et d'ignorance en remontant dans le temps.
- Si l'on regarde les estimations, en 1543, la population aurait été d'environ 425 à 540 millions d'habitants.
- Ce chiffre est beaucoup plus proche de la limite de la population de la Terre suggérée par les Plejaren. Les années 1500 pourraient probablement être le moment où notre évolution est devenue trop élevée, où les nouveaux esprits ne s'incarnaient plus, et où la durée du séjour d'une forme spirituelle dans l'au-delà a commencé à être raccourcie.
La mort et l'entrée dans l'au-delà
- La mort est un fait de la vie, et il existe de nombreuses possibilités pour notre prochaine vie, et la future Terre que nous créons est notre héritage. Cela s'applique à tous les Terriens qui n'ont pas quitté leur orbite (nous nous incarnons sur la même planète que celle où nous mourons). Nous voulons tous un avenir positif, et l'avenir est écrit sur la façon dont nous pouvons suivre les recommandations. La seule différence est qu'il y a ceux qui en ont déjà pris conscience, et ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore appris.
- Étant donné que les personnalités (ce qui fait d'une personne un individu avec un certain nom, une certaine façon de penser, etc.) ne s'incarnent jamais plus, mais sont dissoutes après la mort, il y a divers éléments sans importance, comme par exemple le fait que deux formes spirituelles (ou plutôt les personnalités liées) aient été en interaction dans des existences antérieures. Les relations, les mariages et les relations parents-enfants dans cette vie ne sont absolument pas pertinents dans les vies futures, car chaque vie doit faire face à de nouvelles personnes, relations et circonstances.
- C'est la forme-esprit, le bloc de conscience globale et le bloc de conscience complète (Gesamtbewusstseinsblock) qui entrent dans l'au-delà.
- À la fin de sa vie, la personnalité est dissoute avant qu'une personnalité entièrement nouvelle ne soit construite. Le sexe est déterminé uniquement par la génétique.
- Nous n'avons pas besoin d'explication sur ce qui arrive au corps lui-même après la mort, car cela est déjà bien compris dans la nature, il se décompose et pourrit, passe par le processus de disparition par les insectes et l'exposition aux intempéries, la corrosion, la pourriture, etc. Il n'est pas différent de tout animal, de toute créature, mais nous avons tendance à enterrer ou à suivre un autre processus selon la culture, y compris l'événement/la cérémonie, pour nos défunts.
- Ce qui est important, c'est qu'il se passe quelque chose de bon et de respectueux.
- La crémation n'est pas recommandée car les os font que l'esprit se souvient en quelque sorte de certains aspects pour s'incarner à proximité et cela peut affecter les proches en réajustant leur avenir.
- L'enseignement spirituel dit que les personnes apparentées ne doivent pas avoir d'enfants entre elles jusqu'à la 7e génération au minimum.
- Tout comme c'est le cas pour la consanguinité sur les animaux, etc. Des effets négatifs peuvent se produire et se produiront probablement aussi avec la progéniture des êtres humains dans les générations suivantes.
- Outre les problèmes génétiques connus, la consanguinité favorise toutes sortes d'autres effets négatifs, comme la maladie, le handicap, la faiblesse, etc.
Programming in the beyond before incarnation
CCB stands for comprehensive consciousness block and is synonymous with OCB which stands for overall consciousness-block.
The term comprehensive consciousness block was previously used by FIGU. It is no longer used and may still be found in older translations, but is synonymous with OCB. Billy stated that the term overall consciousness-block was a better translation for Gesamtbewusstseinblock, than comprehensive consciousness block.[10]
The spirit exists in timelessness, so never rests.
During a human’s time in the beyond, it absorbs information from the Storage Banks of the OCB (overall-consciousness-block).
Om [Omfalon Murado] 32:07
It’s duration of life, its kind of death, also its knowledge, what it will occupy or preoccupy itself with, it’s character, it’s intelligence, and it’s mode of life
- is predetermined, but only as a rough outline of the future life, ultimately we create the exact details of the path as we are doing it.
- The spirit form and the overall-consciousness block analyses and reviews (aufarbeiten) what hasn't been digested and assimilated prior to death.
- After death: Love, wisdom, education, knowledge etc. are transformed into a fine-matter form.
- The former personality is dissolved and transformed into neutral energy.
- Then later a new personality is worked out and develops which then incarnates, together with the spirit form, into an embryo at the 21st day after conception. The new personality has nothing in common with the former one.
- From this cross-road one can venture into areas such as somewhat prior planning of anything and everything, unrolling, rolling out, evolution and scheduling as well as unknowingness/unassumingness of what's around the corner, the nature of arising cognition and human condition, compulsion, power of thoughts and feelings, composites, compounds (of knowledge) etc.
- Since personalities (that which makes a person and individual with a certain name and thinking etc.) don't ever incarnate again, but are dissolved after death, it is not relevant whether two spirit forms (or rather the connected personalities) have been in some interaction in former existences. Relationships, marriages and parent-child relations in this life are entirely non-relevant in future lives because each life has to deal with new people, relationships and circumstances.
- Nothing is carried over to the next incarnation (personality). The only thing that is inherited is genetic information from the parents.
- It is not we who come back into a new incarnation, but it's an entirely new personality who has nothing in common with the former "user" of the spirit form.
- There is no influence from a former life, and there is no influence on a future life. Each life must be taken as a independent unit, led by a new and unburdened personality.
- Spirit forms are always a collective, 'We form', just as the human beings on Earth are as humankind.
- Each personality is unique and will never be incarnated again. Therefore, nobody can incarnate as such and such.
- An overall-consciousness block is initially created by the spirit-form the first time a new spirit-form enters a Wesen.[11] Be it an amoeba, plant, animal, other creature or human being.
- The types of overall-consciousness block created by the new spirit-form is determined by the type of Wesen of the spirit-form that first enters it.
- The process determines the type of consciousness block that will develop within the Wesen of that spirit-form that first enters.
List of Types of Wesen
- Single/multi-celled organism Wesen
- An overall-impulse consciousness-block with an impulse consciousness-block and an Impulse Evolution type of Evolution#Forms of Evolution.
- Plant Wesen
- An overall-impulse consciousness-block with an impulse consciousness-block and an Impulse Evolution type of Evolution#Forms of Evolution.
- Animal Wesen
- An overall-instinct consciousness-block with an instinct consciousness-block and an Instinct Evolution type of Evolution#Forms of Evolution
- Human being Wesen
- An overall-conscious consciousness-block with an conscious consciousness-block and an Consciousness Evolution type of Evolution#Forms of Evolution
The root of the reincarnation subject is that in the case of the human being, the overall-consciousness block will remain associated to the spirit-form which created it for the remainder of that spirit-forms evolution.
- It requires a physical body for its associated consciousness block's consciousness development during each lifetime of its spirit-form's line (lineage) of incarnated consciousness blocks (personalities and consciousnesses).
- i.e., until the spirit-form evolves to the pure spirit level.
- At that point there is no longer a need for the overall-consciousness block as there is no longer a need for the spirit-form to reincarnate into a human Wesen since it (the overall-consciousness block) completely dissolves during that latter stage The High Council level of development which is prior to the entering of the pure spirit level Arahat Athersata.[12]
Stages in the beyond area and nature of the other worldly area
After death there is something tantamount to an Afterlife which is conscious. Where the consciousness-block enters the overall-consciousness block (in the realm of the beyond area and other worldly area). To first resolve all unresolved impulse-based items, events and things of its previous incoming life.
- These are resolved and added back into to the consciousness block as resolved impulse-based items.
- All impulse-based items are stored in the OCB (overall-consciousness block) Storage Banks/Akashic Records. Two copies are stored in the planetary level bank and the cosmic, universal Storage Banks where they're never therefore to be lost, regardless therefore of say a planetary level catastrophe.
- The consciousness-block with its consciousness, personality, etc., are then all dissolved (deleted, transformation of state) into pure-creational energy, from which a completely new-consciousness block is created.
- Thoughts from the previous life trigger a process of “Fügung/Fuegung” (there is no correct translation into English but roughly means 'causal foreordination'). This process cannot be influenced and steered.
- All impulse-based items stored in the OCB overal-consciousness block Storage Banks is copied into the Subconscious memory of the new consciousness-block.
- This consciousness block will then incarnate into a new human Wesen along with its associated reincarnating spirit-form on the 21st day after conception.
- This applies for all hominid life forms; humanoid beings on all Planets in the universe.
This process will take place each time the human body (Wesen) dies with the spirit form entering the realm of the other worldly area and the consciousness block entering its original spirit-created overall consciousness block in its own realm of the other world to repeat the reincarnation (spirit-form) and incarnation (consciousness block) processes.
- The overall consciousness block itself exists in the beyond area and other worldly area and comes into utilization only after the death of each human being (successor-personalities) in a spirit-forms line (lineage).
- As the overall consciousness block is by nature in the realm other world, it is not bound physically to a location, i.e., planet, cosmos, universe, but rather bound to the spirit-form that created it.
- Where the human being goes, there also goes his/her spirit-form and consciousness block. Where the human being dies there also the afterlife process occurs, as the realms of the other world remains accessible for the reincarnation (spirit-form) and incarnation (consciousness block) process to occur.
- When a human being travels to other locations (e.g. from the DERN to DAL universe) and dies the only difference may be in the planetary and possibly the cosmic storage banks that will store the impulse based items of the previously lived life. However this impulse-based information is still available in the universal storage banks, which if I understand correctly will be made available from the ocb storage bank into the new planet/cosmic storage banks following the death of the human being (on a new planet) following the afterlife reincarnation (spirit-form) and incarnation (consciousness block) processing through the overall consciousness block initially created by the spirit-form in the realm of the other world.[13]
- This then in turn, creates itself from out of the Material conscious consciousness and therefore, into the actual personality, which then handles the material life, learns and after the death of the material body passes away. Connected with the spirit form, after the death of the material body in its own beyond area change-over, the same happens with the Overall consciousness-block, which also is received into its own Beyond area. In this the block works together with its neutral energy with the personality to still complete all, of what the current past life, has not yet been processed. this processing finds its completion, then through the power and energy of the overall - consciousness block, the personality dissolves into pure neutral energy, containing no more impulses of the old personality.
- This neutral spirit-energy then finds the overall consciousness-block for use, to create a completely new personality and thus resulting in a new consciousness, with the dissolved past personality, respectively, with the old consciousness no similarities exist any longer. This new personality, it then, compatible together with the reincarnation spirit form and its overall consciousness Block, is born into a new human body. This also shows that no personality and therefore no human can be born again because this is reserved only and solely for the ever-steadfast spirit form. So only the spirit form, through Creational laws, is registered for the reincarnation, but not the personality.
- During the lifetime the current personality, respectively. of the consciousness, are all ongoing things like thoughts, feelings, movements, skills and emotions, etc., etc., deposited in the storage banks for all time and registered and recorded. Death of the material body, then vanishes the consciousness, respectively, personality (personality and consciousness are two different terms for one and the same) who / which is integrated in the overall consciousness block, in a spirit form, beyond area adjoining area beyond its own. In this area, through the power of the neutral overall consciousness-block energy all this while the current life still unprocessed personality, respectively, the Consciousness, is processed, with everything emerging therefrom of neutral value is transferred into the spirit form in the beyond area. At the same time anything and everything is transferred into the storage banks and then stored there. Once the processing is completed, then the personality dissolves into pure spirit energy, which from the overall consciousness-block is formed into a completely new personality, respectively, into a new consciousness, of which the former existence no longer has a special story behind it or identity. However, this was already an introduced and explained in detail previously.
- The new personality, respectively, the new consciousness, is born with only the reincarnation capable spirit form and leads a unique current life that is absolutely ignorant in every respect, therefore they then require lifelong learning for collecting knowledge and to build love and wisdom. Vibrationally and sub-consciously connected to the storage banks, but through their own frequency, in a subconscious way, retrieves impulses from its own previous personalities and its existence.
- It can be guaranteed that Hell is not a place, but instead a state of mind (consciousness- and psyche-related). However there is absolutely NO punishment after death. Billy is absolutely sure about this and because he knows, its guaranteed to be nothing even remotely similar to religiose stories, because reality itself isn't like that.
Rough predetermined outline of future life
- The predetermination is only ever a rough outline of one’s future life.
- Its a conception of the actual path which you have to, more appropriately worded; ought to take.
- The individual way, line, path, of action with every bell, whistle, detailing and every trapping isn't pre-determined. How you master every situation is down to you at the moment and during that future now.
- Humans may through their thoughts and actions freely decide about the real/actual course of their life.
- There is a good reason we develop a recommendation for ourselves and independently by ourselves, however. Momentum, chance, probability, luck, fate, destiny and focusing on actual possibilities is difficult at the point of now.
- We only have so much time to deliberate with and over what we can actually do compared with the time it would require to do and would need compared to the planning versus the number of hours in a day. If it was all left to our material-intellect to do everything. Interestingly robots are going to have that problem, only solved by increasing the speed of the mechanisms, difficult to increase the quality of the decisions.
- A general example could be a mature tenured elderly professional compared with a young individual in the same profession and work place, with less experience but trying to do the same quantity of things. The overall speed is the same, the younger person may even beat the older person on speed from time to time, but the quality of decisions are more rounded and successful with the older person, and the reasons for that are manifold and generally known, amounts to experience of combinations of possibilities and selecting the best combination every time.
- Overpopulation therefore doesn't represent the only breakage on Earth in this respect, because in over-regulated areas such as the European Union, straddled with legalese where all the answers are given out because competition is fierce and the quality of work isn't usually particularly advanced, old and young are equal. Employers may even prefer to take on a young individual because they're easier to manage, fresher, mouldable and tolerate being told what to do, less independence. Official statistics in these areas indicate the younger and older are unemployed and the middle age group are the ones used. On Erra its different in that they don't have Earth's rapid Ageing affliction and therefore don't have a rapidly changing economy; individuals can be employed in the same sector for their entire lives and progress onto incredibly perfect profound achievements unhindered by restrictive opportunities. Their rough predetermined outline of future life can be much stronger and robust than ours because there is more guarantee and a much wider collection of possibilities afforded to them.
- A general example could be a mature tenured elderly professional compared with a young individual in the same profession and work place, with less experience but trying to do the same quantity of things. The overall speed is the same, the younger person may even beat the older person on speed from time to time, but the quality of decisions are more rounded and successful with the older person, and the reasons for that are manifold and generally known, amounts to experience of combinations of possibilities and selecting the best combination every time.
- Incarnation is a fact, and this is proven by the fact that you can follow back "into" your own former incarnations if you have the ability to do so. This can be done through and via the Storage Banks.
- Procreation and fathering etc. are playing a role, through which the new personality with the ego, consciousness etc. is being created.
- A child being neglected by the parents suffers later from the very bad influence. Children may turn out badly or become criminals. If parents don't have the time or funds or interest to look after their baby and child and provide a good education and love. Then they should not procreate.
- The overall consciousness Block of human leads back to Creational Laws however, it is not to integrate, from scratch, into the spirit form. Actually, namely this block shall only be created by the spirit form itself, same power of the Creational laws, that the spirit form, from the two poles negative and positive there must be in existence the material body. The spirit form itself forms the positive value, while the overall consciousness block represents the negative value, Is in direct connection with the Material consciousness emanating from him, which itself is, through its own thought-forming energy influences, evolving itself. At the same time the material consciousness, in a special form, is in connection with the entire material body, so it also means that the material body forms the negative-value. This, in respect, also applies to the animals, etc., except that there is given an overall instinctive consciousness Block and an instinctive consciousness and thus no conscious consciousness. But now back to the spirit form, creates in humans the overall consciousness block or in the animal world etc., the overall instinctive consciousness block.
- Thereby occurs in appearance, hunches and age-old acquired knowledge, which the new personality, respectively, the new consciousness learns very quickly and - together with the newly developed knowledge - will be ever more knowledgeable and wiser. From the storage banks "retrieves" knowledge impulses and reminder impulses, in terms of knowledge and wisdom, come from previous lives as a rule as premonitions, however, the human, as a rule, does not know where they come from. Due to this consequence, in the lack of understanding of the truth, they then call it inspirations which they attribute to some other level or entity, although in truth it is based on their own personal memory impulses of their own earlier personalities.
Environmental selection and election
Selection is a deceitful word to use because our spirit doesn't have a say in this. The next incarnation is "selected" by way of natural/creational laws, on a vibratory level.
The selections depend on Schwingungen[14] (swinging waves).
All human beings “pulsate” with a very characteristic swinging wave which creates a very specific, matching environment.
This is swinging-wave we determines the “new personality”: The “programming of the new personality” is a natural event and process. Achieved in order to bring the sum-total of a spirit form’s past incarnations into a “perfect balance with the universal, creational swinging wave”.
- The spirit-form does not designate. It's designated according to fine-material laws and natural processes including opportunity (this is a more robust approach to natural selection).
- Children haven't necessarily pre-determined their parents, its more than that.
- Parents can be an influence in who their children will be, but its not a given/rule. The Hindu connection between father and son is not unconditional.
- Nurture, mothering and fathering plays a role in the spirits pre-ordinate development decisions for the new personality, in terms of the ego, consciousness etc. which will be created, because it can see the future and evaluate the outcomes well in advance of the physical unfolding of the future. In other words an individuals personality is a reflection on where they originated, their local family, government and society -and yes we can therefore look at e.g. crime statistics by nation and make a successful judgement of how they’ve arranged themselves (if the data is correct).
- Causal foreordination (fügungsmässig) cannot be influenced or steered.
- Its a naturally occurring process dependant on the sum total of all previous incarnations.
- Consciousness-evolution related development isn't based in coarse-materialism, it's a fine-material based science. Knowledge, wisdom and learning can occur anywhere.
- The cultural arrangement and standard of agreements a human treasured in any previous life may influence where that individual is re-born.
- It's not necessarily the language spoken or material particulars but instead the general cultural style, aptitude, temperament, standard of living, style of existing, quality of exchange (confrontation, permissible, tolerance etc), tendencies, standard of opportunities and arrangement of liberties. Including what opportunities may have been blocked off nationally, traditionally, culturally.
Some have described it as similar to a “Bluetooth-like pairing” of the two swinging waves, their finding/coming together and as a very natural, cause and effect-based event/process.
While it is true that a person's birthplace/society/country is all pre-selected and determined due to Creation's laws i.e due to one's vibratory frequency. Sometimes "different" persons will have a vibratory frequency greater then their parents, and these people follow their own personal vibratory frequency and realize they learned from his/her parents the example of what not to be like. Those different persons should follow their own way in life, and be who they really are at all times, and they will hopefully gravitate to the Meier case, and we can all change our entire civilization to the good one person at a time, that can turn into large groups of people, that can turn into even larger groups of people, until there is a complete liberation in consciousness of this planet.
- Since there is always a new personality in each existence/incarnation (no exceptions!), it is not possible that two persons can promise to meet each other again in a next existence to continue with a “true love”.
- There is no pre-determination (Vorbestimmung).
- Incarnation in the same family is a rare exception and not the rule, because there are no familiar bonds over incarnations. Family bonds don’t play a role in the incarnation laws.
- As a rule, people are reincarnated into the same culture, race or nation etc. where they died.
- Example: This means, that e.g. an Afro-American person in the USA will incarnate as an Afro-American person again, in the USA and not in Africa.
- And if a German speaking Swiss person dies, he will incarnate again somewhere in Switzerland, Austria, Germany or Liechtenstein, etc.
- In other words: A spirit form will not incarnate in France, then in Tibet, in Nigeria, and in Greenland, etc. etc. Incarnations occur within the group of people and cultures where one lived and thought, where all the thinking occurred in the previous incarnation, in one's former life.
- This is no contradiction because there wasn't a big difference between the civilizations etc in Billy Meiers former lives which were in various different parts of the world; of Palestine and Arabia (or India) at that time. The reincarnations followed the path of the spreading knowledge across to Europe (during a time period of many hundreds of years, and several incarnations).
- Reincarnation doesn't depend on the skin color, but on the education and civilization and evolutional level of a person, a group of persons, peoples, nations, etc. From this follows that, as an example, a white US American person may reincarnate as a black US American person, and vice versa.
- An educated European scientist will not reincarnate in the Amazon jungle among a native tribe, etc.; and a person who strongly or fanatically believes in Islam or Jewish faith (e.g. who lives in Arabia or Israel, etc.) will not incarnate into a well-educated family in Sweden or Holland, etc.
- What really matters regarding reincarnation is the level of evolution (of understanding, knowledge, freedom of thinking, culture, etc.) of a person, both on a personal level, and also regarding the surrounding society. The average level of evolution/civilization of a nation has an influence on the location of incarnation of a spirit form. An average Swiss person (or rather his spirit form) who is accustomed to (more or less) freedom of speech, democracy, security, welfare, pluralism, etc., will not reincarnate in Arabia or some other country where religion has a strong hold on the everyday life of the citizens.
- As a rule: The more religious a nation is, the more opposed to progress it is, and the less evolved with regard to civilization/technique etc. it is, and these different factors are a part of the selection process by the spirit-form with where they incarnate, depending on the spirit-form and its previous incarnations.
- Spirit-forms reincarnate in the same cultural and consciousness-related region/society.
- What is different is the periods of life and afterlife, the time the spirit form is dwelling in the Beyond.
- Example: A spirit form of a Swiss person who has been educated in Switzerland will reincarnate again in the Western European region, and not in the Sahara desert region. But the spirit form of a person from Central Africa, who has come to Switzerland as a child and has been educated in Switzerland and continues to live there, may be incarnating again in Europe.
- Everything depends on the consciousness-related evolution.
- Example: A particularly lowly evolved individual coming over to Europe or Asia from the middle-east and doesn't receive any additional education while there, is ignored, just wanders around engaging in Islamist Terroristic activities and terrifying the locals, probably won't reincarnate again with those locals. Unless of course those locals enjoyed it, in which case they were meant for each other, they may all reincarnate together in a ghetto, slum area, housing estate, which ever they can reincarnate together and enjoy one another's company again in a suitable framework. But usually they'll reincarnate back somewhere in the middle-east again having learnt nothing from their excursion.
- Egypt used to be a black persons nations, many of them live in other areas of the continent now and to a certain extent in north America and Europe which is where they'll most likely reincarnate. The painting on the wood of the Pharaoh's coffin even looks like an African-American. There are untranslated contact report's which describe how the original black peoples of Egypt suffered black-flight when the Muslims migrated into the area over a succession of centuries. Today its a Muslim nation. What is not particularly well known due to the untranslated documents not being widely circulated is that black and white people are reasonably similar and compatible for evolving together, having evolved together on a previous world. Black people quite often formulate a similar set of tastes as white people. Aversion to any religion, that is, irreligious, is quite normal between both groups. Basically the Egyptians were not originally Muslim and most of the original black people who made Egypt what it is or was, aren't incarnating nearby any longer. Its similar to how the original white people of the black sea are no longer incarnating around the black sea any longer, they've shifted over into what is today Europe and north America, just as black people have shifted over into the slightly lower western coastal areas of the Africa of today.
Influencing the future
- The correct way to improve the future is by realizing the Creational laws and commandments, and to live in line with them.
Gender Allocation
The gender is not determined by impregnation, but instead by the spirit-form's personality that enters the embryo, which begins on the 21st day of pregnancy.
We get the chromosomes genetically during procreation however they are not activated until later, 8-12 weeks after procreation. The new consciousness determines which chromosomes are activated, these are then activated by the spirit-form's energy.
Pertaining to your next incarnation (reincarnation), if a person makes a decision with clear thinking during his/her current embodiment to reincarnate as a male, that is what will happen; same as with female. Reincarnation cannot be stopped, it will continue to eons. In science an eon is about a billion years.
If a person (spirit-form) is a female in physical embodiment (current life) today and they want to come back as a female in their next embodiment, with clear thinking this person must think that they want to be a female and it will be registered in the persons personal spirit memory block; it’s a form of programming. A persons thoughts are very powerful which most humans have not figured out yet.
- It's the new personality that's been created by the comprehensive consciousness block (Gesamtbewusstseinblock) that steers and directs the developing embryo in order to either remain a female body or to become a male body.
- The process is made possible by the spirit’s force or power.
- Therefore it's the spirit form that is responsible for the necessary impulses for this process.
- However it's not the spirit-form itself that decides the gender.
- It’s the new personality and its various aspects, goals etc; that determine the baby’s gender.
Homosexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, transsexual
Its not homophobic, its the way nature works and this page is about reincarnation and the details and mechanics of how it works.
- Homosexuality is a natural occurrence in conflict with nature.
- If a person is confused about their sex at the end of their previous life and/or does not know if they want to be female or male, they will reincarnate as a homosexual, but this is not a given/rule.
- Psychological counselling, having a role model, a teacher or instructor, going hunting with a man, joining a military, engaging gender specific activities etc can help a person (spirit-form) to correct this, more appropriately worded; change it naturally.
- Clear Thoughts: Firming the identity individually can assist with orientation, such that in their next incarnation the individuals spirit-form can be either male or female depending on their clear thoughts.
- If a person stays undetermined as to being a female or male, they will again incarnate as a homosexual.
- Homosexuals sometimes change their orientation over time without intervention, many do, its not set in stone for the entire life. In many nations its illegal to intervene and/or socially unacceptable to, so it's a matter for time to deal with.
Retrieving information from the Storage Banks
- The spirit-form which enlivens a human body can visit itself via time travel into the past or future.
- Theory A: Presumably because at any one given time/life they're developing a different 'set' or 'sub-set' of knowledge which doesn't interfere with the futurological or past self. It's not like computer read/write access denied. The time in the beyond and other worldly area is bound to form a suitable path for the time ahead of itself. It couldn't/wouldn't interfere with it's futurological or past self.
- Theory B: Every time-space configuration has its own Storage Banks and despite a second copy of all sequences being adjoined again for the universal-storage-banks; they are inaccessible in any other time-space configuration or dimension other than the beyond area and other worldly area.
- Theory C: One of the Plejarens Apparatus deals with the problem if it is a legitimate problem having some form of effect.
- If the spirit form and personality, respectively, the consciousness of the human evolves to a certain high level, then one's own impulses can be "retrieved" from the storage banks of the present current life and also the impulses of their own earlier personalities whereby the human's conscious knowledge and wisdom of his previous personalities' past lives can make available. Frequencies that are similar to other personalities can also be used here, if "related" knowledge impulses retrieved and can be used for evolution.
- There is in rare occasions a communication possible with the comprehensive-consciousness-block (CCB), but that is more a communication as with a computer, it can only answer question for which it has the knowledge, this communication is only possible for the time the CCB exists.
- The CCB exists for the amount of time the spirit needs to process all data stored in it.
- After that time it will be neutralized completely in spiritual energy and used to create an absolutely new and neutral personality which has no connections whatsoever with the former personality/CCB.
- In short, communication with the dead is simply not possible but at the same time absolutely is but is not recommended.[15]
- So called seances are (tend to be) conscious or unconscious fraud or imagination or connection with the collective subconsciousness of the human race. Or retrieval of information from the Storage Banks, random information from the Storage Banks isn't useful, it must be targeted and then its useful. Many mediums are just very good actors and indulge in the desires of their theatrical drives.[16]
- The overall consciousness blocks, which enter into fine-material worlds like the spirit forms themselves, are no further along in their knowledge than they were in their material lives so are not worth communicating with anyway because their behaviour is the same as when they were living, thus, they still own falsehood and lies and deliberate deception.[17]
- Those who are materially alive shouldn't want to get in touch with them because they could be lied to in large measures.[18]
- There are actually only very few real mediums, and mostly, they are almost unheard of. The fact that they are real mediums, they are silent over this and make no fuss about it.[19]
- The content from the former personality is not relevant to the content of the next (the actual) incarnation.
- The consciousness-related development/evolution is not based on the material things, but on knowledge and wisdom.
- The 'spirit' generally has no recollection of its 'former lives'. However there are ways in which a skill to recollect may be developed and then occur, however this has never been taught on Earth.[citation needed] If it has been taught then this has been in isolation.
- When we are 'reincarnated' ie incarnate, many (possibly thousands or millions) times over, it is possible that we can 'link or meet again', live our lives and meet again with former 'physical' family or friends or anyone that we've encountered in our previous lifetimes.[citation needed]
- Although we have no memories of it. There a variety of methods to discern such a connection, typically reductionism and the reductionist approach to problem solving which yields particularly vague rarely accurate results (non scientific approach).[citation needed] Example: I have been born here and feel comfortable with these individuals so must have some long term connection with them.
- No correct technique, verifiable or scientific method, for determining such an ancient long term connection with others, has ever been taught on Earth from what can be gathered about the subject, even if there are general ideas floating about and openly accepted facts in some circles about it and if it has been, it has been in isolation or has been learnt by chance by an individual or perhaps a small group, just like any of these fringe skills. If it was discovered it also probably a religiously tainted coating and lazy eye lethargic glazing ie not scientific, mature temperament, stable, verifiable or teachable etc.[citation needed]
- Truth is that the secret sciences if you want to call it that have never been taught on Earth and if they have, then not well, or its been in isolation and/or tarnished with a series of abnormal, strange behavioural characteristics, such as demonstrated by insane, fanatical (not worth knowing) individuals in isolation etc. Where the secret sciences have been demonstrated its been in isolation. Not in a normal educational way.[citation needed]
- When Billy lifted the oven with his mind[citation needed] this is an instance of such isolation. It was not taught in a public school to Billy by a training professional who was taught by a scientific professional. It might seem like a boring obvious thing, but if we look at reality which few do, then we can clearly see that our education system doesn't have secret fine-material sciences listed as a unit or module under the mid week citizenship or general class or something like this. Or a unit called meditation techniques and later life telekinesis preparations for primary school children, where key facts are given to primary school children which incites a learning sequence to adulthood.
Growing in strength over time
- The spirit form reincarnates because of the learning process.
- The spirit-form will and does increase and grow only, but only if there is a consciousness-related evolution present.
- From this we can also determine that the will is also evolving.
- It only takes 40 to 60 million years for the average spirit-form to complete the reincarnation process, and transition to The High Council level (in place of the previously stated billions, which is false, this mistake, according to a Bulletin, of reporting billions, when it should have been millions, this was due to errors when Billy accessed the storage-banks, where it is difficult to differentiate between the two numbers.
- However evolution is by no means guaranteed.
- Only that which is stored is relevant for the next life and incarnation. If something negative is necessary to create something positive, then this is evolution-increasing (“evolutiv” in German). Knowledge, wisdom, love, logic, freedom and peace are decisive for the evolution in the next life (transmitted as impulses).
The Codex and the 144k
OM [Omfalon Murado] 33:103
And so he will be as prophet of the new time, when the time of the time comes around, and when his name means that he is the guardian of the treasure (note: Eduard) at the time when the equitable ones have expunged their seven-thousand-fold guilt and will have taken the step for the fulfilment of the oath of the determination.
- The codex, which was dissolved in the 90's, was an ancient spiritual agreement, which applied to a certain small group of ET spirit-forms, who had done some terrible things in Earth history, 389,000 years ago, events which had affected terrestrial mankind in a negative way. They were required to reincarnate 7000 different times, each time with a new personality, and consciousness block, until they were back to the guidelines of the laws, and recommendations of Creation. These were not "punishment" incarnations, but "learning" incarnations.
- The former fallible ones (former Ringleaders) who broke laws (creative-natural laws) 389,000 years (considered a long time) ago on Earth and therefore affected terrestrial mankind in a negative wise/way.
- They were the 144,207 JHWH Jschwjsch leaders, and sub-leaders.
- The crimes varied from everything from two ancient terrestrial nuclear wars, all the way to an ancient crime syndicate called the "sons of heaven" formed to deceive and delude the humans already living here.
- To atone for their various crimes they had to reincarnate on Earth for 7,000 lifetimes to atone for their ancient guilt, and they now have, and have fulfilled their fulfilment of guidelines, and became equitable ones.
- Much later in history they took oaths 13,500 years ago to assist BEAM in what has been described as the new time, and to fulfil a special mission.
- There should be no animosity or hostility towards these spirit-forms, because of their former historical personalities.
- The 144,228 are different to the 144,207 but have similar characteristics.
- The 144,228 Geteuer spirit-forms currently alive is is explained on page 81 of the Nokodemion book that; the Getreuer can be found in the FIGU core-group as well as a certain number of passive members, and also outside of FIGU membership, and all throughout the world.
- Nokodemion Book page 81 states that the 144,228 Getreuer have been reincarnating for the mission for between 8 and 12 million years, which includes the 4 million years spent in the beyond, which, according to page 81, people possessing these spirit-forms, can be found in the core-group, passive members, and people outside of FIGU membership, in all the world.
- To put into perspective the Geteuer ET spirit-form's age of 8 to 12 million years, to terrestrial spirit-forms, CF indicates that the age of terrestrial spirit-forms have only averaged living 3 million years so far.[20]
- Nokodemion Book page 49 indicates that Nokodemion first formed the Geteuer 12 million years ago.
- Some of the 144,207 ET former JHWH Jschwjsch commanders and sub-leaders currently alive can also be found in the core-group, some passive members, FIGU forum posters, and FIGU book readers, and other people trying to help the mission.
- Most people do not know that there are two different groups of 144K ET spirit-forms reincarnating on Earth presently, and that both groups are to assist the FIGU mission. It is likely this includes successor personalities for some folks, and of course those bearing native Earth-born spirit-forms can (and will) help too.
- Like any former JHWH Jschwjsch commander reincarnating on Earth, the 144,207 ET spirit-forms are "throttled-back" by the AA (Arahat Athersata, see The High Council) pure-spirit-level to the level of an "average" Earth human, or they would go insane.
- ET spirit-forms reincarnating on Earth can overcome this "throttling-back" by arduous study of the spiritual teaching in the FIGU books, which I equate to learning in your mode of life (Lebensweise) and learning in your living experience (Erleben [to live it]) which is based on how you conduct your life-conduct (Lebensführung).
- The 144,207 equitable ones want to help.
- The 144,228 Getreuer want to help.
- There have been long periods when that group of spirit forms (144,228 Getreuer) had been “laid on ice” so to speak (in a waiting position in the cold of the beyond). However, this was a one-time exception. Usually all spirit forms in our universe are evolving at a normal speed and on Earth they are finishing their incarnation cycles much faster than at “normal speed”.
- All the many descendants of those “Getreue” have already entered the level of Arahat Athersata and have lived through their normal evolutionary cycle.
- Some of the other people bearing ET spirit-forms from the big groups of former immigration waves reincarnating on Earth want to help.
- Some people bearing native Earth-born spirit-forms want to help.
- ET spirit-forms are considerably older then native Earth-born spirit-forms,
- The oldest being the Getreuer (not counting the Nokodemion spirit-form, who is the oldest, and wisest) at 69 million years old.
For those that want to know more about the 144,207 equitable ones should read Contact Report 191, the German only broschure "Rund um Codex", and the German only OM book. OM 31:1162 - 31:1368 is ancient name-lists of some of the former fallible ones that were higher up in authority in those ancient days.
- If you will never read German, it's your loss, but don't fret, OM is very good, but GOT is the best book penned by BEAM in my opinion.
For those that want to know more about the 144,228 Geteuer spirit-forms, read the German only Nokodemion book.
Goblet of the Truth chapter 18 verses 1, 2 & 7 it says the following:
1) The ones truly having knowledge of the truth are like glittering stars in the firmament, because they are the reflection of the laws and recommendations as they have been given since the beginning of all unfolding (existence) through the primordial eternality (Creation).
2) And the ones truly having knowledge of the truth and the ones truly following the truth are people of your kind (human beings), as they are also mighty helpers and leaders for all people of your kind (humankind) on the thorny way to finding the truth and following the truth, and they stand by you for obtaining the virtues in the best possible fullness of value.
7) And if you people of your kind (human beings) wish to follow the proclaimer (prophet) then you must determine (select) yourselves to do this and take a special way on which you disconnect (liberate) yourselves from all that is earthly, which binds you to the unrighteous (conscienceless) and the unfair (irresponsible); this alone is extensively (amply) the way of the selected (completed) observation (control) of the primal-eternal (creational) laws and recommendations, from which true love and wisdom and high knowledge evolve, which are the highest good of the truthly proclaimer (prophet).
- There is no known document stating the differences in the spirit-form age of the various different groups:
- 144,207 Old Lyrian former ringleaders spirit-forms or Sirian ET spirit-forms (genetically manipulated peoples' immigrations: see Contact Report 251), Bardan spirit-forms, and the "regular" (non-Getreuer & non-former ringleader) those 25 million year old Lyrian spirit-forms reincarnating terrestrially prior to the events 389,000 years ago, or any of the other ET groups mentioned in the special features section of the MH film "the Silent Revolution of Truth"
- However they are all only in the millions of years old, not billions.
The Age of Aquarius quarterly has an excerpt of contact 650. In it Ptaah and Billy discuss the arrival of the 144 thousand and 228 Getreuer folk to Earth, who were connected to Nokodemion's following personalites Henok and Henoch, and Ptaah reveals that over 2 million extraterrestrial people who were descendants of the Nokodemion descendancy people arrived to the Earth with the Getreuer for the mission, out of which 1,151,828 humans were "listed" (recorded in the annals of the Plejaren) out of which 575,914 ET spirit-forms of the 1,151,828 listed extraterrestrials returned to the Earth and stayed behind on the Earth and thus died, and are reincarnating as a part of the Earth people as new successive personalities.
Of the 575,914 ET spirit-forms reincarnating on the Earth, as of the date of the contact (4th April 2016) 287,707 are currently alive with an active life as personalities on Earth for the mission located (living) among all peoples of the Earth. The rest of the 575,914 are in the beyond waiting to be reborn with new personalities.
To the best of my knowledge, the large immigration force was 13,500 years ago during the time of Henoch I (BEAM's former prophet personality), so the 144 thousand and 228 Getreuer and the 575,914 haven't been here very long, and I think Atlantis was still functional/operational (pre-war) so it would have been very easy to host a direct landing of an immigration force with mindset of the great Nokodemion/Henok mission that Earth is a part of in this new time (Age of Aquarius).
- = summary by Corey Müske of original German excerpts of contact 650 found in the Age of Aquarius quarterly #190 page 31-33, copyright FIGU-BEAM Age of Aquarius publishing.
Source: http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/863/8879.html?1553356888#POST86150
(FOM Note: 13,500 years ago was not ‘very long’ ago, that is considered recent)
The three million individuals, spread out world wide with concentrations in certain areas, relatively recent arrivivals on Earth in the last 100 thousands since the destruction of planet Malona, live a life which is erratic in terms of their interests, occupations, skills, abilities, learning, social relationships etc. They’re doing many different things with their time and typically in many places and meeting many different persons and it is certainly not all competency based either. These are not rules by any means but is a general signifier. They’re typically decent, generative folks who are shy of depravity and would find it very difficult behaving in the worst forms of inhumanity were they forced to. The best way to generally track them down through history is controversial, but if you’re interested enough you’ll quickly find a video on youtube which shows all significant events in recorded history as dots on a world map with a countdown of years to the present, its similar to the history stories in the Contact Reports
ET Spirit Forms
- These other spiritual forms included the many millions of extraterrestrial spirit forms who moved to Earth, voluntarily or involuntarily, from the Lyra and Vega systems, and the destroyed planet Malona in the SOL system.
- When the Lyrians came to this planet and died here. They just "joined" the spirit forms of the original Earth humans. They did not have to wait for the Earth humans to "catch up".
- The effect of an extraterrestrial spirit form is automatically "blocked" when it reincarnates on a foreign planet where the average evolutionary level of the people is lower. But of course there remains a influence to the effect that the person with the ET spirit form shows a somewhat higher level of evolution in the material life.
- There are 50 million ET spirit-forms in the Earth's reincarnation cycles.
- Many people have surmised there are much more than that if one considers Mars, Malona, Sirian immigrations, etc,
- Note: There is a contact that has not been translated yet that gives a % of the population that bear ET spirit-forms (% only, not a total number, but this could be deduced if you knew the real total Earth population count at the year of the contact)
- One cannot deduce the total number, because it would not account for the ET spirit-forms in the beyond. All one could deduce is the amount of those alive people bearing ET spirit-forms during the exact year only of the contact.
Finding the Spiritual Teaching
Re-finding anything for that matter, and why you found the Spirit Teaching in the first place, why are you even reading this?
- If a person is meeting and finding the spiritual teachings this means, as a rule, that there are already certain impulses stored and accepted in the storage banks, and that the person in a former life (as another personality) had experiences in the same line.
- If this process is somewhat “intensive”, then this is an indication that the person has caught these impulses that has in turn led him/her into this direction.
- Alternatively, if the spiritual teachings are found and encountered for the first time ever, the indication of this is that the process and feelings encountered etc. is much slower and therefor not intensive.
- Contrary to knowledge, wish factors (Wunschfaktoren) are not and cannot be transferred into a next life.
- If a person really lives according to the spirit teachings or is really trying to live according to it, then the person will have a good chance to find to it in a next incarnation and take up the impulses. Everything pivots on the individuals level of interest.
- The spiritual component of the universe is human beings and is all over the universe.[citation needed] Its not discovered easily by scientists strangely despite being all over their lives because it essentially all deals with human beings and consciousness.[citation needed] Its also one of the most complicated scientific areas.[citation needed]
- In later years Nokodemjon was once again pointedly prepared in various ways by different people of terrestrial and extraterrestrial origin in many countries on Earth. They instructed him in the most diverse fields of knowledge of a spiritual and physical nature, so he would be able to fulfil his task in the Mission, and continue his contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejaren.
- Billy's Nokodemion spirit-form is currently 9.6 thousand million years old (Nokodemion book/FIGU Schweiz page 45 corrected this detail, older translations may contain different numbers). Considerably older than the Plejaren and for that matter most of anyone else living in the universe, still incarnating. This amount of time has been sufficient to evolve in the past for his spirit-form up and into the Arahat Athersata, the pure spiritual form and back again. Its not however common for a purely spirit-form come back again, to make this kind of transition but Billy has described it as normal i.e possible, for any universe.
- The Plejaren have described it sensitively in the most grounded normal sort of a way for us to be able to understand as Billy being surrounded by a kind of 'mystery' which has been difficult for them to quite understand. Other than that and to anyone else Billy is just a normal Swiss Earth man, a writer, and he tries to quickly flatten/squash anything that may lead to some kind of build up of worship or idling idolatry such as drawing flattering portraits of him etc, because frankly he is a normal man for all intents and purposes, wants to keep it this way so he remains approachable to all, he treats everyone as his equal in terms of both being human and talks normally to anyone.
- The easiest example is to observe plants that wither in winter and are growing anew in spring. Life is stored within the roots or the bulb. If a tree that looses its leaves is compared to the spirit form, then the new leaves and blossoms etc. are the new personality and consciousness.
- In each incarnation the personality is once again free to decide about the course of one’s life, namely through one’s thoughts and actions. It’s not the position a person is holding in a life, e.g. the position of a director, king, farmer, etc., but the things the person is learning by leading the life and doing the job, etc.
- In the current life it is immaterial which of the four groups you belong to (see above information regarding codex)
- What matters is what you choose to do with your studies, and what choices you make as your destiny is in your very own hands.
- You are your own "Destiny-smith". Aside from the beneficial treasures of the consciousness from studying in the present lifetime, students of the spiritual teaching can possibly reincarnate as a further "mission-helper" with their successor personality, and in a few lifetimes there will be "truth-bringers", and considering how backwards the Earth is, I'm sure all mission-help will be welcome in the future times by the future ones.
- The events of a human life are hard to fathom.
- They are filled with many situations in which we meet a (justly or unjustly) suffering living being.
- Sometimes we may feel a great desire to relieve it from its ordeal.
- Our thoughts are very creative.
- So (in response to a suffering human being) we sometimes may, in later life, enter a similar situation of suffering.
- We should then muster a strong life force by connecting with the universal creative forces and undertake the steps to master our (adopted) suffering.
- If we succeed we gain the strength to understand and guide a suffering person (similar to the one for which we felt the great compassion) out of its dilemma.
- Your spiritform may be perfect from start to finish, but the personality sure isn't.
- It is feasable to think that the Earth would benefit in the future centuries by older (and wiser) ET spirit-forms' new personalities, as well as, further developing native Earth-born spirit-forms' new personalities who want to live the laws and recommendations of the Creation.
- If a person is consciously evolving he will always know that "I am me“. You as a person do not reincarnate. There will be an entirely new “I” that has no memory or knowledge about this your present “I”.
Related numbers, statistics and calculations
- Erra is similar in size and relative distance from their sun as Earth is to ours, so the Plejaren will also spend 1.52 times their lifespan in the beyond after death. Assuming an average lifetime of 1,000 years, then 389,000 years (see Event Timeline divided by 2,520 (1,000 + 1,520) would equate to 154.365 Plejaren lifetimes.
- "Goblet of the Truth" verses that instruct the Earth about banishment[21]: ~2:197, 2:233, 2:388, 3:146, 3:214-3:215, 4:04, 4:25, 4:33, 4:47, 4:54, 4:58, 4:82, 4:83, 4:122, 4:220, 5:33, 5:50, 5:55, 5:137, 6:125, 7:04, 8:68-8:71, 9:99
- We may find it very hard to imagine why the evil was committed some 389,000 years ago. But the ca. 144,000 were fleeing a terrible, long lasting war.
- There is as well a guideline for those 144,207 old Lyrans that failed some 389,000 ago, to change the poison of their misdeed into a tool that creates great benefit for humanity.
- The banished ones have to absolve 7000 life times in the challenging environment of our Earth.
- Each life may be different. But it always is our task to guide, our and their consciousness, back to the essence of all Creation. The source of strength for every living being. The oneness of universal love.
- Atlantis was primarily destroyed by the engineered chunk of asteroid directed down upon it by the scientists from Mu on a suicide mission.
- The asteroid attack was in retaliation for a nuclear strike on Mu.
- The atomic attack on Mu and the asteroid attack on Atlantis may well have been happening simultaneously, it’s just that the nukes arrived at Mu first.
- Those that caused the problems in our time are humans related to the same spirit forms are not necessarily those that caused the destruction of Mu. However they are re-incarnating to prevent a similar cataclysm that unfolded when Atlantis attacked Mu.
Contact Report 653 Excerpt.
95. The consciousness-development of the Erran population, which is to be assessed at between 20 and 30 million years higher than that of the terrestrial human beings, does not enable for us Plejaren any relapses into dark, de-evolutive and inhuman machinations, because the entire Plejaren population has once and for all progressed onto the way of the teaching of the prophets and shall also, with sureness, tread that way further.
98. Unfortunately, on the planet Earth there are, in all governments, undergovernments, offices, administrations and branches of government and so in all very important key positions, there is a preponderance of human beings who are might-greedy, paranoid psychopaths, who are recognized as such neither by their co-workers nor by the public.
99. The fact here is also that this bulk of unrighteous-ones and psychopaths operates behind closed doors and, in their markedly characteristic egoism and their might-greed, do everything in a secret wise over and past the will of the folk and make decisions for the folk to their detriment.
100. Indeed, those in the highest positions of government are very mighty figures, but the bulk of them is lacking in clear intellect and conscious rationality, as well as the necessary modesty and responsibility to the folk.
101. They are all true leviathans[13] with gigantic might, which they misuse without restraint.
Contact Report 191 Excerpt.
79. In addition, this is the first time since the beginning of the great evil that in the present life until now, still no member has degenerated or received harm in such a way that one has met a forcible death or has loaded death-guilt upon himself, which can still happen, however, with one or others who are already strangers to today's group again.
79. Ausserdem ist es das erste Mal seit Beginn des grossen Übels, dass im gegenwärtigen Leben bisher noch kein Glied derartig ausgeartet oder zu Schaden gekommen ist, dass eines einen gewaltsamen Tod
Contact Report 150 Excerpt.
100. As crazy as it sounds, with the knowledge about the earthly overpopulation:
100. So irr das bei den Kenntnissen um die irdische Überbevölkerung klingt:
101. A new people must be established.
101. Es muss ein neues Volk gegründet werden.
102. But it must be a people that lives in accordance with the natural-creational laws, making it the role model for the large mass of stupefied Earth humanity and affects them instructively.
102. Das jedoch muss ein Volk sein, das gemäss den natürlich-schöpferischen Gesetzen lebt, wodurch es der grossen Masse der verdummten Erdenmenschheit zum Vorbild wird und belehrend auf diese einwirkt
- Through calculations ("Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause") if certain things happen then we can expect certain results.
- Through dreams and visions (all in this life is interconnected, all follow a logical order, for some persons it is possible to know about future events (even if they are millions of years ahead), really wise persons can control this ability.
- It is also possible to travel to the future physically to see what is going to happen, if a technology has been developed and that takes a long time.
- Prophecies can be changed and are obtained through calculations, dreams or visions, etc and predictions cannot be changed and are the result of looking directly into the future (travelling through time using technology or using the powers of the consciousness).
- The spirit gains consciousness/self-awareness at the moment it
reaches the level of Arahat Athersata, from this point on, evolution occurs, fully logical in a self-aware manner. I dont know how that works, but I do know that pure spirit forms are flawless in their thinking and logical, e.g they dont make mistakes.
- The material consciousness has an absolute connection with the
spirit, in the way that it derives its life force and power from it. Without the spirit, the material consciousness could not do a thing or even live.
- An android is a living organism but doesn't have a human spirit form as we do. They are capable of thinking and reasoning, but not in a evolutionary style as humans do, they aren't self-aware as we are. Consciousness-related/spiritual evolution is solely limited to all races and types of human beings (all 40,353,607 natural human races) in the Universe.
- The spirit-form has from its beginning a 'basic' intelligence which is 'programmed' with all the natural-creative laws and commandments of Creation, therefore is this intelligence absolutely logical because it stems from the Creation itself, I mean with that, the basic programming = the knowledge about the natural creative laws and commandments.
- You could compare it to an computer with just an operating system and no additional data yet, the operating system will acquire the data and determine what is logical or not and will accumulate the data over time.
This way the spirit-form accumulates knowledge over time and grows in knowledge, truth and wisdom.
- Once a spirit-form reaches The High Council semi-spirit partially transparent level of existence, which might occur after 60-80 million years of material reincarnations, but which has no guarantee, then no more reincarnations take place and a spirit-form at that level will gradually evolve and transform into the first level of pure spirit-form Arahat Athersata.
- The first 60-80 million years of material reincarnations occurring on various planets is not a rule/given, but instead just a typical, because Planets tend to change considerably over that amount of time.
- A recent low average of 60 years per material life then 90 years in the beyond between lives making 150 years per reincarnation, is somewhere between very recent, see Ageing, since Atlantis and a fairly long time ago, 389,000 years ago.
- It's not possible for a continuously unbroken series of incarnations to occur unless there is a sufficient living population on a planet to facilitate it.
- With approximately 127 billion spirit-forms assigned to the planet waiting in the queue; it would take an extremely long time given the up to recently, relatively low population levels, for each one of those to continuously reincarnate within the parameters of the cycle.
- Most human spirit-forms are less than 1.5 million years old which indicates by the mathematics below that they may have had 10,000 reincarnations at most.
- Indigenous earth spirits who started reincarnating at the very start 4.5 million years ago may have had 30,000 reincarnations.
150 years = 1 reincarnation.
1,500 years = 10 reincarnations.
15,000 years = 100 reincarnations.
150,000 years = 1,000 reincarnations.
1.5 million years = 10,000 reincarnations.
15 million years = 100,000 reincarnations.
60 million years = 400,000 reincarnations.
75 million years = 500,000 reincarnations.
- If an average age of 60 years material life is maintained and that's probably not correct as advanced populations can live to 1,000 years and beyond then logically how many reincarnations can fit into 60-80 million years ?
- The spirit-form which enlivens a human body can visit itself via time travel into the past or future.
Further Reading
- Death, Afterlife and Rebirth
- Death
- Afterlife
- Structures of the Spiritual Realm
- The Comprehensive Consciousness Block
- Evolution in the Spiritual Realm
- Human Spiritform
- Life in Spiritual and Physical
- Consciousness Evolution
- Beyond Area
- Realm of the beyond
- Other worldly area
- File:Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation.pdf
- File:Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation.epub
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- ↑ Contact Report 228
- ↑ OM [Omfalon Murado] 31:306-31:312 translated by Corey Müske using FIGU-Dictionary (when possible)/copyright FIGU-BEAM (Age of Aquarius publishing).
- ↑ OM [Omfalon Murado] 31:306-31:312 translated by Corey Müske using FIGU-Dictionary (when possible)/copyright FIGU-BEAM (Age of Aquarius publishing).
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=12&page=2685
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=12&page=2685
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=12&page=2685
- ↑ Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge, Page 139.
- ↑ anciennement appelé bloc de conscience global ; voir http://dict.figu.org
- ↑ Rund um die Fluidalenergie resp. Fluidalkräfte und andere Dinge, Pages 142-143.
- ↑ http://dict.figu.org/node/157
- ↑ http://dict.figu.org/node/2038
- ↑ https://www.creationaltruth.org/Portals/0/Documents/Reference%20Material/Spiritual/Reincarnation-Incarnation-Process-sec.pdf
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/us/messages/13/15840.html?1507527517#POST82898
- ↑ http://dict.figu.org/node/758
- ↑ Contact Report 007 lines 201.
- ↑ Contact Report 007 lines 210.
- ↑ Contact Report 007 lines 202.
- ↑ Contact Report 007 lines 204.
- ↑ Contact Report 007 lines 215.
- ↑ http://forum.figu.org/cgi-bin/us/discus.cgi?pg=next&topic=12&page=11794
- ↑ (places of fulfilment of guidelines, incarnation areas of the world for group members due to previous civilizations being there)