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Feel free to speak your mind right here, right now. Just create an account, log into that account, edit this page by clicking the '''edit''' tab at the top, then insert your text starting with 4 tildes ( ~~~~ ) which will be shown as your name with a datestamp like below.
This area is where you can gain access to ''Billy Meier-related communities''. If you wish to leave a message for everyone to read please use the [[Special:Guestbook]].
You are welcome to create a discussion group, e.g. using [http://groups.google.com Google Groups] or a message board and then post a link to it here. There are other possible solutions for creating electronic communities relating to the ''Billy Meier information''; [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat IRC], and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites social networking websites] are two examples.
==General Chat==
==Chat Rooms==
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 21:08, 27 April 2008 (UTC) Do you find this website useful or a waste of Internet space perhaps? Why not expend 3 minutes of your time to let everyone know your mind right here?!
[[User:Ritak|Ritak]] 20:36, 10 May 2008 (UTC)Greetings James. I have just arrived and find your site very useful indeed! Well done. Thank you for helping to make this urgent and important message even more available to others. I wonder if the queen has perused your site ;-) With best regards to your and your family.
* [http://www.c0mmand.co.uk/FutureOfMankind/chatIRC/irc.html Future Of Mankind IRC Chat Room] - All you need to enter is a nickname (make one up) and click the '''Connect''' button. This is a casual chat room and all are welcome.
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 21:30, 10 May 2008 (UTC) Thanks Ritak, I appreciate the support. I couldnt tell if the Queens been here. Would be interesting if Google Analytics could show that info don't you agree? Something like "Buckingham Palace: 58 PageViews"...
* Voice(voxli) + Chat(irc), [http://www.c0mmand.co.uk/FutureOfMankind/chatIRC/voxliirc.html Future Of Mankind IRC Chat Room with Voice (Audio)] - All you need to enter is a nickname (make one up) and click the '''Connect''' button. You will also see another room under the chat window, this is where you can press the button '''Push to Talk''' to start using your voice. This is a casual chat room and all are welcome, enjoy. Ravi
==E-mail Discussion Groups==
Hello gentlemen
* [http://groups.google.com/group/circle-for-humanity Circle for Humanity] - A discussion and action group with ultimate goal being 'To bring awareness and understanding of the causes and effects, with proposed solutions, for the massive overpopulation problem, to all of humanity.'
Yes I agree with ritak
==Message Boards / Forums ==
This is a very infomative and quite comprehensive website for information regarding Billy
Thanks James for your efforts, one that will be appreciated by many but something that you probably already know.
Take care
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 16:33, 28 May 2008 (UTC) Thanks Matt/Newinitiation, your comments are very welcome and appreciated.
* [http://www.figu.org FIGU Forums] - There are message boards in English, German and Italian available on the FIGU web site.
==Social Networks==
[[User:Aletha|Aletha]] 08:01, 22 June 2008 (UTC) Hello everyone! I only stumbled upon meier's work since April 2008, but I have been immersed in his work ever since! This site is extremely informative and is helpful in answering issues I don't fully understand or even comprehend. keep up the great work James!
* [http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=4546356433 Eduard Meier - The Man Behind The Most Important Ufo Case Of All Time (Facebook Group)]
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 11:57, 22 June 2008 (UTC) Hi Aletha, thanks for posting! How did you stumble upon Billy Meier's work and why were you looking in the first place? For myself, I was initially interested in the truth about our existence, UFOs and ET life when I came across Mr Meier in 2006. I've always been one of those people who question the status quo.
[[User:Edwardb|Edwardb]] 21:54, 22 June 2008 (UTC)Hello! My name is Edward, and I stumbled upon Meier's work in the early part of summer 2007, much by "accident" actually! Glad to have found this particular page as well, a comprehensive collection of Meier essentials in one location! Extremely useful indeed. Neat and organized, as well as clean. I like that you present the information as it is given.
How I stumbled upon Meiers'work is a funny story actually. I live in Vegas, and was playing a game called 3 card poker. 2nd best hand is 3 of a kind, naturally. Well, I got 3 sixes, which threw me back and made me think for a bit, about why I got THAT set of number over any other, and I went home and googled the true meaning of 666. The first page that popped up was Gaiaguy's 666 page that referenced the TJ. Read and pondered that for a week, then bought the TJ. The rest is history, as they say, lol!
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 23:34, 22 June 2008 (UTC) Edward thats interesting, so it's thanks to gaiaguys you came across Billy, or was it thanks to google? Anyway I'm glad you're here! If anyone has any ideas (simple or fancy) for the website please mention it here or email me if you want to. I'm made this website for everyone and hope to constantly improve it.
[[User:Muad Dib 1974|lucho]] Hello there!!!!  I just wanted to share something  small...  I had an Out Of Body experience a couple of years ago... it changed me,  I know now that we all are one mind and to know about our true origin is priceless... I try to meditate every night, but sometimes I feel that I am getting no where.  however the info in this site has giving me a better understanding on reality and I am trying very hard to be part of the solution.  thank you.
      I do have two questions,  Why are all the pictures so old, can't he take newer ones with a digital camera?  and  Why we can't see the faces of the females holding the laser guns? 
      thank you for doing this and my mind is with you.
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 22:39, 10 July 2008 (UTC) Hello lucho. Its nice to hear about your out of body experience. I personally have never -consciously/knowingly had one but what you say about us being of one mind is interesting. I presume you mean that we are connected via a higher spiritual conduit which makes sense to me.
Regarding your questions I cannot answer for Billy of course but in my opinion the photos we have are sufficient. There were apparently over 800 photos taken, many of which were lost. Also since they were taken before the ''age of the personal computer'' (and Adobe Photoshop) mostly in the 1970s they are more convincing in my opinion than say a new high resolution digital image which can now be hoaxed/forged. The ''no faces allowed'' thing is related to the possibility of the Plejaren being exposed to psychic attacks I believe although you would probably find more information from the [http://www.figu.org/ FIGU Forum].
Peace, truth and wisdom to you.
[[User:Edwardb|Edwardb]] 19:51, 11 July 2008 (UTC)Jamesm, what you say makes a lot of sense in regards to why they dont take newer photos with digital cameras. Also though, all of that evidence photographic/video, were apart of the 'official contacts,' in which they were slowly making themselves known to earth people. The official contacts ended, but the Plejaren still keep in contact with Billy on a personal level, as we all know. I'm not sure exactly which report or article I read that in, but if you like I can search it out and reference it here.
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 21:58, 14 July 2008 (UTC) Edward are you suggesting that Billy has/probably has personal photos of the Plejaren that he does not allow the public to see? I think that would not be probable since we know that these photos would be at risk of theft.
[[User:Edwardb|Edwardb]] 02:40, 15 July 2008 (UTC)What I actually meant is that they keep in contact via telepathy, intermittently, or actual visits. But no he is not collecting anymore physical evidence of the Plejaren's vehicles. I did not mean to imply that he has personal photos of them that he does not share with the public. My apologies for the misunderstanding.(Though I did read that he had some photos that were not meant for the public that were stolen from him in the past)
[[User:Barbarian216|Barbarian216]] 00:32, 08 August 2008 (UTC) I analyze events and seem to find a connection between the departure of the Plejarens in 1995 to the discovery of the 3 "foreign" entities that frequent Earth. Contacts by the Plejarens with these dimensional entities proved inconclusive and may be a threat to them. However if they were hostile, they would have moved on the Pleijarens before the DAL gave them advanced technological means to discover them.
Asket came from a parallel universe, but had to travel vast distances to get here. It appears these dimensional visitors can materialize and disappear at will. Correct me, but in the contact notes, Paath mentioned that these entities may come from the past.
If that is valid, then could these visitors be connected to this whole era of events during the Ur migration process between Earth/Mars/Malona and other star systems or maybe they came before that? Maybe they are benevolant beings from the past that was not recorded, yet advanced on their own in their own right?
One only has to ponder the question, if a group of the good "creator lords" along with some manipulated DNA humans escaped the wars in this solar system and developed a "dimensional" gate of sorts, could that explain why they are so interested in Earth?
There is a common inter connection between universes, positive/negative, man/woman, course/fine material, 7 levels of technology/spirit, past/current/future, sleep/awareness, free will vs no free will (parasites) and now dimensions. One cannot exist without the other, other wise Creational laws does not exist anymore.
Just a thought
[[User:Barbarian216|Barbarian216]] 08:47, 08 August 2008 (UTC)Thanks to Billy, Plejaren, Timars and others that came before for laying the foundation that we currently stand on. If not for them, we would probably be shot for discussing such matters! In any case, just wanted to express my appreciation for making this website open to people like myself. I'm financially poor and can't help you in that category, but wish you people the best.
Psychic powers can be negative or positive (healing), the ancient Hawaiians practiced it. There are recorded cases where a kahuna chanted (Peace Meditation?, thoughts are energy) ran his hands over one's injury and completely healed the broken bone. Therefore, although we appreciate Billy's noble character of refusing medical treatment by the Plejarens, as not to be different from earth humans. Then, would Billy except positive healing thoughts from his fellow earth humans, in order to assist us in developing Earth spirituality?
This process establishes a positive "bond" between pass/current/future re-carnations of spirits that are connected not just Earth bound, but has roots throughout the universe from others that came here or left. Just like a family reunion of sorts, but in spiritual as well as physical forms, thus forming an interface between the fine/course matter, the negative being balanced by good.
What good would it be if Billy passed away, leaving us without an interface? Although Billy and the Plejarens know when he will die, does it have to be that way? There is a time line for all events, but does it have to be engraved in stone and adhered to the strictest of schedules?
I think not, if so, then Creation is no longer valid because creativity is not allowed to flow freely if options are not a factor.
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 23:53, 10 August 2008 (UTC) Hi Barbarian216 and thanks for posting your messages here. You are as welcome as anyone who wishes to talk about Billy and related subjects. I hope you dont mind but I've moved your text that was in [[Help_talk:Contents]] to here since its a more relavent place to put it.
You ask some interesting questions and of course they are mostly just for consideration since I certainly could not answer them myself with solid answers. I often wonder when these 3 extrasolar races who are visiting us are going to make themselves known to the majority of Earth if they ever will. If they knew how blood thirsty and unbalanced a large proportion of us are then they won't land for quite a long time indeed. Unless they are of like mind of course! The recent events in Georgia, Iraq, Sudan and Afghanistan are evidence of our insanity. It would be an appropriate shock and wake up call for us though if they perhaps did land all over the world and say something along the lines of : "Greetings, we come in peace, we are the X, we come from Y and we just wanted to tell you that you are heading for self-annihilation by your false religious-fueled wars and selfish consumption of your planets resources through overpopulation. Good bye."
[[User:Barbarian216|Barbarian216]] 20:55, 29 August 2008 (UTC) Aloha Jamesm; a few of my questions have been answered in the recent updates on Contact 251 regarding earth humans completing his/her connection with the original "creator overlords" in the Sirius region. (in the far future tense). It is was discovered after further reading, something about "man coming full circle" when going to the Sirius region.
Now, the other part regarding the immediate and short future events on Earth being "influenced", (Peace Meditation) and/or by ourselves through the process I have described above, will it be fesible?
(1-A) Being in our current Earthly status of physical bodies and degenerative spiritial minds (with a very few exceptions), humans will still "cling" to explain unfortunate events as "acts of god" because of their religious beliefs. Does Creational law allow the input of negative "consequences" being derived from "negative" actions in order to produce "positive" immediate reactions? A sort of "balance" endeavor derived by the appropriate parties involved?
I can only give a first hand experience to describe such an event. In the past on several occasions,  people have done very bad things to me because I refused to be corrupted. I wish no harm to them, but actually had dreams about what actually happened to them. Needless to say, after these "negative" events occurred, they had a more consultary approach and became more "humane" towards me. Don't know what caused this reaction, but it could also work for Earth's current state of affairs??? Maybe speed up the process of making mankind more like our ancestors the Pleijarens??
Being all positive in this world is an illusion, maybe that's why Nokodemin intervened once in the past to correct the chaos? After all, if one is not part of the solution, then he/she is part of the problem. Just another thought, be awaiting a response from someone on this site or updates? :)
We are responsible for our demise (not totally), why not have all the spirits connected to Earth given a part to help bring out this positive solution?
This will "complete" the cycle of inbalances done in the past and make us whole again.
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 01:49, 30 August 2008 (UTC) Barbarian216, why do you ask me questions which would presume that I would have the knowledge or wisdom to answer successfully? I am but a 33 year old father of 2 and husband to 1 wife in the land of Scotland situated in the north-western half of the United Kingdom, Western Europe with an honourary degree in a Computer-related subject. I have not studied all of Billy's texts, probably more like 2% of them. I have a poor understanding of a few of Earth's religions and only use my intuition and inner voice to try and make sense of everything that I encounter. Please, I would advise that you seek wiser men and women at the FIGU forum!
But hey! I still have an opinion and if you still want it then it is this: [[Contact Report 251]] was not recently updated except for the [[Special:Categories|categories]] I have put it within yesterday.
If we all prayed for Billy's health then it might help prolong his life but I'm not sure. He may not want this though. I think since the Peace Meditation translates as '''Peace be on Earth, and among all beings!''' then this means you cannot really wish for something specific to happen.
Negative actions can produce positive results. Consider the negative action of killing a murderer on the run from the police. The positive result is that there were potential lives saved however that murderers human spirit has now lost a chance to reflect upon its negative actions of murder and resolve those actions (evolve).
I can also write about an event that occurred in my early life that changed another's behaviour. When I was 16 years old I was attacked by a boy of the same age from my same school on a school bus. I guess he wanted to prove his ''worth'' to his gang. I fought back and we ended up both being injured. I had a cut lip and he had cut fingers. Months later he asked me while surrounded by his gang to fight him again right there on a public street. This time I kept declining to fight him stating such to him and suffered some blows from his fists. I gained some bruises to the head. Several months after he apologised to me for starting the fights and asked for my forgiveness. This was a surprise but I forgave him and we both gained something from those events. That something was probably the understanding that '''violence for the glory of battle is a primitive desire that originates from ones own ego'''.
Barbarian216 my advice to you, even though I am not the ideal person to give it, is to stop worrying about everything and just be a good person but enjoy the ride. There maybe chaos ahead but at least there will be peace and we will return to follow the Laws of Creation one day in the not so far future (only 800 years to go!). Just think about all those millions of incarnations you've got left before you ascend to the Arahat Athersata level! ^^
[[User:Barbarian216|Barbarian216]] 03:32, 30 August 2008 (UTC) Jamesm, yes you're right on contact 251, my fault, I looked over my notes and there weren't any changes, some of the information was overlooked on first reading. It needs to be separated into categories and highlighted with major events. I'm willing to do it on a separate document with analytical footnotes and presented  to you for clarification. Nothing will be changed, but it needs to be more logically presented so that most can relate to and understand it.
In any case, my apologies for asking too in depth questions. I got into some hot water at the FIGU site for exactly the same reasons. Maybe its my "warrior" spirits or because of being royalty from difference races?
I believe this multitude of interlocking episodes between the "creator overlords", manipulated human races and others across this Milky Way has in itself exposed the delimna between who is/are actually responsible for bringing back the "balance" of Creational law. Everyone is responsible, but who or what are the guidelines/policy being implimented to ensure that everyone does their "fair" share of involvement? In a sort of way, it sounds like a court case where the judge is absent? I think that all parties will learn once this is sorted out and come up with solutions, so that this tragety will not happen again. Just a thought.
[[User:Jamesm|Jamesm]] 17:20, 30 August 2008 (UTC) Barb can you please first type in 4 ~ characters when you write your reply (see top of this page) as when you click Save Page it then converts your ~ characters into you name and a date stamp. I have to keep typing that in for you to keep the flow of the chat here readable. I wonder if there is some other plugin I can use for this Wiki...
Since this planet we are on is the only known planet to the Plejaren that has this extent of a religious problem then I think that we are indeed living in a very special time on a very special planet and the spiritual rewards that we shall reap for breaking these great religious chains will mark a special event in the history of this incarnation of Creation...perhaps. That is of course if we succeed or its back to square one again and we'll have to go through the dark ages again, oh bother!
[[User:Barbarian216|Hawaiian]] 01:35, 2 September 2008 (UTC) Okay, got it now! I totally agree with you that we (earthlings) need to take charge of affairs and get this Creational movement going. However, there is an option to speed up the process (with assistance from benevolent ET's). It is in their interests also, because they are connected to us as we are to them. I'll post it after analyzing it more carefully, looking for logical connections. I believe there are gaps intentionally done so that humans learn to connect logically with the Creational process and evolve spiritually as well as technologically. There are a few things that we earth humans can certainly teach our more advanced ancestors regarding spiritual and logical reasonings, because our re-incarnated spirits came from the same sources and experienced the worst cases of human exploitations.
[[User:Markv|Markv]] 10:39, 3 September 2008 (UTC) (edit) Oh nevermind, I just figured it out: The natural terrestrial race inter-bred with the early immigrants.  It's so easy to over-look little things when presented with so much information.

Latest revision as of 18:08, 27 April 2010

This area is where you can gain access to Billy Meier-related communities. If you wish to leave a message for everyone to read please use the Special:Guestbook.

You are welcome to create a discussion group, e.g. using Google Groups or a message board and then post a link to it here. There are other possible solutions for creating electronic communities relating to the Billy Meier information; IRC, and social networking websites are two examples.

Chat Rooms

  • Future Of Mankind IRC Chat Room - All you need to enter is a nickname (make one up) and click the Connect button. This is a casual chat room and all are welcome.
  • Voice(voxli) + Chat(irc), Future Of Mankind IRC Chat Room with Voice (Audio) - All you need to enter is a nickname (make one up) and click the Connect button. You will also see another room under the chat window, this is where you can press the button Push to Talk to start using your voice. This is a casual chat room and all are welcome, enjoy. Ravi

E-mail Discussion Groups

  • Circle for Humanity - A discussion and action group with ultimate goal being 'To bring awareness and understanding of the causes and effects, with proposed solutions, for the massive overpopulation problem, to all of humanity.'

Message Boards / Forums

  • FIGU Forums - There are message boards in English, German and Italian available on the FIGU web site.

Social Networks